For Teachers &

Other Educators

You are incredible.

We are incredibly grateful for you and so proud to be in education with you.

We encourage you to always take the time to take care of your mental health, especially now.

Here are some helpful websites to check out and view to assist you and your students:

Mental Health America

Improve Students' Mental Health by the Power of Breathing

3 SEL Practices within the Classroom


Important Reminders

  1. Prioritize You!

  • All that you're feeling (frustration, fear, anxiety, etc.) are normal. Be kind to yourself and give yourself space to breathe.

  1. Spend time with your family.

  • Everyone is a little bit displaced but the positive thing is that we are able to be together. Connect with your family that may not live in the same home as much as you can - they need that communication with you too.

  1. Stay Connected to Your Work Family.

  • We're all in this togehter and we're figuring it all out as we go. You have some very talented colleagues (who also think that of you) so reach out, give support, and gain support too.

  1. Move!

  • However that looks for you - whether it be walking, running, lifting weights, dancing, basketball - JUST DO IT! Most of us are not used to sitting in front of the computer multiple hours on end so get up every hour for five minutes at least.

  1. Limit exposure to media and remember that official communications from the CDC are the best source of up-to-date information.

  • Get the correct information from the right sources. Check the COVID-19 tab to see some links.

Apps for Self-Care

There are many apps out there that can help with Self-Care. Whether that be Physical Health or Mental Health, there are plenty of options. Some apps you'll have to pay for on your own but they typically have free options to try out. Here are some that may be of interest: