Friends of Wellington Park
The aim of the Friends of Wellington Park is to maintain and enhance the native vegetation of Wellington Park. The group endeavours to halt spread of weed species and eradicate where possible and to maintain and improve walking tracks in the park. We work throughout the park, which is 18 250ha in size, but mainly on the eastern side.
Strong links have been developed with local and state government bodies. We work in a close partnership with the Wellington Park Management Trust, two local city councils, and the Parks and Wildlife Service. These organisations provide training and support, including some on ground support.
The Friends of Wellington Park was formed in 2002.
Currently we meet on the first Tuesday of the month, usually at 9:15 and, depending on location and the distance to the work site, finish between 1:30 and 3:30 pm.
More Details on our various web appear under the menu items at the top of the page. Area records & History provides details of our work within different areas of the park and Projects & Reports provides reports and other details on the various projects mostly relating to grant funds, plus our annual reports .
Below is the blog pages link and a one for the general information on the group, both can be viewed by clicking on the images
The report of the yearly activities
These reports along with some photos are on this page.
Below is the site where the group events are available to read. It includes scrolling on the side and each individual image or topic can be clicked to read the details.
The FOWP Facebook was left dormant for quite a while, but has been revived.
Gives a run down of the various actions taken over the years on a site by site basis. Click the heading above to visit the site
Effectively a history of the group, but it does not hold all the past actions at this stage. it is a work in progress