the wellfushion human welfare association, which is a collective organization of the world's welfare people.

the aim of which is to bring together the well-wishers, to unite the lovers of education, the lovers of welfare, the lovers of knowledge and the desire to unite for the welfare of the welfare, working for the welfare of humanity, united with honesty and righteousness, to build a beautiful society. promoting education awareness. promoting education, honesty and welfare in the world and improving the quality of life of people through development is the main goal of welfson.



headquarters: city of wales, muslim kingdom (future)

type of organization: welfare organization


chief : muhammad taufiq husain al toufiqi, chief executive director & ceo, welfushion

launch : 4 february 2019

founder : mohammad taufiq sultan al-taufiqi

head office: city of wales, muslim empire [future]

newspapers: wellfushion buddy tv, wellfushion time news, wellfushion investigative team.

student wings : wellfushion students' association, wellfushion student welfare council

youth wing: welfare youth association, welfare council of welfare.

women's wing: welfosion mahila shanti sangha, wellfosion mahilashan.

farmer's wing: wellfushion kisan, welfare kisan ekta sangh.

workers' wing : wellfushion workers' union, welfare workers ekta sangh

volunteer branch: wellfushion volunteers association, wellfushion volunteering, welftion swaydichha sangh

armed branch : wellfushion liberation army

ideology: welfareism, true lovers, al-islam

formal colours: white, purple, green, welfushion, red

motto: in honesty, we are for the good of the good . . . we are well-offshooters we are ✰ in peace we are

principle: unity ✪ honesty ✪ cooperation ✪ faithful friendly ✪ education ✪ peace ✪ improvement the principle of well-being.

slogan: "let's work for the welfare of humanity, build a beautiful society"


wellfushion welfare association

organization is a social process. where a group of people are always constantly engaged in the implementation of certain goals and objectives within the framework of an organization. wellfushion - the human welfare association is no exception. wellfushion is a social organization for human service and human development. where the welfare groups and individuals of the world come together. the organization made its debut on february 4, 2019 with the slogan "let's work for the welfare of humanity through honesty and well-being" with the slogan "let's work for the welfare of humanity through honesty and well-being" with the aim of establishing peace through honesty and well-being as a social, developing and developmental voluntary organization with the determination to build an ideal social life, including cultural environment, self-employment, human rights and peace around the world, including cultural environment, self-employment, human rights and peace around the world.

committed to the service of people and humanity.

if you also want to join hands, shoulder to shoulder and participate in human service and human development social activities, join us, join us, join the welfare of human welfare association.

name of the organization:

The name of this organization is "Welftion Welfare Association".

nickname: 'welfare of the

(EN- Welftion Human Welfare Association)

Other name: "Welftion Quiets Association"