Adult East Asian Brush Painting and Calligraphy programs


Adult East Asian Brush painting/Calligraphy classes.


East Asian brush painting and Chinese calligraphy are both revered as traditional artistic forms deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of East Asia. They serve as profound meditative practices, transcending mere artistry to become spiritual journeys that foster tranquility and mental clarity.

In both practices, the brush becomes a tool for mindfulness, with each stroke representing a deliberate gesture promoting a harmonious balance between concentration and relaxation. The precise, deliberate movements required to create each stroke demand a high level of focus and control, guiding the practitioner into the present moment—a fundamental aspect of meditative practice.

As the brush glides across the paper or silk, the mind must remain clear of distractions to maintain the flow and accuracy of the artwork. This process cultivates a sense of "flow," where the practitioner's movements synchronize with their breath and awareness, akin to mindfulness meditation.

Moreover, the preparation of materials—whether adjusting ink consistency for calligraphy or mixing ink and caring for brushes for painting—serves as a ritualistic practice that calms the mind before the creative process begins. This preparation establishes a deliberate, reflective atmosphere, transforming each painting or calligraphy session into a retreat for introspection and personal centering.

Both East Asian brush painting and Chinese calligraphy offer pathways to tranquility and mental resilience. Through disciplined practice, they provide not only aesthetic enjoyment but also profound means of cultivating peace, patience, and a deeper connection with oneself.

For those interested in exploring these enriching practices, consider enrolling in courses tailored to beginners and seasoned artists alike. These classes provide a harmonious blend of tradition and creativity. Whether delving into calligraphy or brush painting, students will not only learn techniques and principles but also experience moments of calm and meditation during their artistic journey.

1.Online class registration form 

2.In-person East Asian Brush painting classes in San Ramon:

May 16| 7pm-9pm (#23621): East Asian Brush Painting Workshop_The Art of a Gentle Breeze-Paint on a Ruyi Fan

To get more information and register, please click the link below and enter the corresponding class number:

3.In-person East Asian Brush painting/Calligraphy classes in Livermore Bothwell Arts Center registration form

4.In-person East Asian Brush painting/Calligraphy classes in Pleasanton: registration form