Wei Ting Chuang holds a master's degree in Fine Art from the National Taiwan Normal University and specializes in traditional East Asian brush painting and calligraphy. She taught East Asian brush painting, Watercolor, Sketch, Design, Calligraphy, and Performance Art at Taipei Municipal Wuchang Junior High School in Taiwan for over 15 years. Additionally, she served as a section chief of Art and director of academic affairs at the middle school for several years.

Throughout her artistic career, Wei-Ting's focus has been on traditional East Asian brush painting and calligraphy. Besides participating in various group exhibitions, she has successfully held several solo exhibitions in Taiwan and the U.S. Her students received numerous awards for their artwork. She enjoys teaching and learns a lot from working with her students. Presently, Wei-Ting provides on line/ in-person art classes in Pleasanton, Livermore, San Ramon and Berkeley. 

For Wei-Ting, art is the way to explore the beauty of nature and share it with others. She uses a variety of media to capture impressions which have touched her heart. Her art has been strongly affected by the local culture and nature in California since she moved here in 2017. In turbulent times, Wei-Ting wants to bring a calm and comforting vision of nature to more people through her art. 

NEW~2024 Spring Art Classes, workshop open for for enrollment!!