1. God mode in dreams



Sorry for the notification sounds in the episode

This being our first recording for the podcast, we tried our best to think of everything before, during and after the recording. We use Discord to talk together, as we don't have a studio, yet, and we use Voicemeter to record the inputs and control them, however, it takes everything from Discord, not just the voice channel, and I (Mikkel) had missed some notifications settings, thus causing Discord to make the sound you sometimes hear during the recording. I realised it during the recording and turned it off, but the damange was done and I couldn't cut it out of the recording without risking ruining the sound quality, which isn't the best already. Now you know what it is.

Tools we use


Master thesis

"To try and answer how gamification can be used to elicit and nurture intrinsic motivation towards non-artificial feats, this master thesis gives insights into: what gamification is; how it works; why it sometimes works and sometimes does not; where it comes from; and what are some of the advantages and pitfalls of gamification."


  • Release date: 08-08-2020

  • Topic: Lucid dreaming

  • Length: 1:11:49