My Story

Hi - My name is Pam and I have a background in Biokinetics, receptionist, Drama teaching, mom - you name it I have been there. I used to think that it was in my genes to be a "big" person and that I had heavy muscle mass which was why I weighed so much..(whahahahaha)......I never believed in myself or that I could change to become the person I wanted to be.

I saw an advert for Weight Loss Challenge and that you could win a cash prize - at the time we needed the money so the cash prize is what caught my eye (whahahaha). So I joined a challenge in December 2012 (before Christmas - crazy I know - but believe it or not I lost 500g over Christmas - I was hooked). Little did I know that I would gain so much more. During the challenge I realised that I actually knew very little about eating correctly (always thought I was reasonably healthy). The weekly weigh in and talks were very motivational - as was the group support. I ended up losing 7.2kg and became 15 years younger (who does not want to age backwards). And the best part is ...... I have kept off the weight. Our goal is to ensure that this way of eating becomes a way of life and NOT just a "diet".

My friends started asking what I was doing and they then started to join a challenge as well - this is when I decided to become a coach. If I could help myself gain my self control and self confidence back then surely I could help others too. I have been running weight loss challenges since and helping loads of people change their lives - not only through weight loss but in so many different areas of their lives (who knew?). I would love to help you too - so fill in the contact me form below and let's do this together! If I can .... trust me anyone can!

Disclaimer: Results are based on individuals and although great results are achieved it is not guaranteed