How To Get Back Into Fitness After Baby:

A Few Reasons Why You Should Take It Slow During Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Training

Every body is different and the same can be said for post pregnancy bodies.

Getting your body back after having a baby might come as a challenge to some, but research shows that starting a regular exercise program after giving birth can be great for your health and reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

Before you start post pregnancy weight loss training, get clearance from your doctor. Along with every woman being different, it’s obvious that each woman’s delivery is unique (along with her healing process). It’s important to get clearance from your doctor before starting any kind of weight loss training.

Start Slow

Your regular fitness routine will change when a baby comes into the world, but the best way to start weight loss training after baby is to take things slow. Start with walks! Test your body out, but don’t over-do it. Results won’t come overnight but easing your body into a fitness routine will get you on the right path to losing that baby weight.

If you experience any discomfort, bleeding, or headaches during your routine stop immediately and consult your doctor. Even some of the Best personal trainers in San Diego would agree that it’s best to take things slow when your post pregnancy body is healing.

Start your weight loss training with a slow, easy walk. When you’re feeling comfortable, bring baby along in a front pack for added weight or a stroller if that makes things easier.

Weight Loss Does Not Happen Over Night

Forget about celebrity moms who lose weight fast. We’ve all seen it on television or online. A celebrity mom has a baby and 2 months later she’s sporting her pre-baby weight and body. This isn’t a realistic standard or expectation. It’s crucial to keep in mind that weight loss does not happen over night and you need to be patient with your weight loss training and fitness routine.

Your body takes about 6 months to recover from pregnancy and delivery and it will take about 3 months for your body to feel like it’s getting back to ‘normal’ after delivery.

Finding Time Can Be Challenging

Some days you might not feel up to a full work out. Hormonal changes can make you emotional and tired. Don’t let that stop you! Lean on your support system - other new moms, your partner, family and friends. Working out with a friend or family member can help you stay motivated and focused on your fitness goals.

Finding time for weight loss training can be difficult, but it might just be the burst of energy you need to care for yourself and your newborn.