How to feel comfortable working out after pregnancy

It’s no secret that women’s bodies go through some serious changes after giving birth. We gain weight, lose weight, we’re hormonal, emotional, sore and tired (on top of feeling a hundred other ways).

Working on your fitness goals might be the last thing on your mind if you’re feeling self-conscious about your post baby body, but when you’re ready to get back in the gym here are a few ways to help you feel more comfortable with a work out.

Comfort is key

Finding a gym where you feel comfortable working out might be a struggle for new moms but finding the right place to do it is the first step in starting your fitness journey. Some moms are more self-conscious than others. And some might not let it bother them at all - props to them!

If you’re a mom who is having a hard time with her post baby weight consider visiting a women’s gym for your work out. Women’s gyms are popular in larger cities, like San Diego, and there are many perks to working out there. There is often less pressure and intimidation at a women’s gym and being in an environment with other women who are working toward the same fitness goals as you is a great support system.

Working with Woman Personal Trainer is another way to get into your comfort zone at the gym. Meeting one on one with a fitness trainer will ease you back into the rhythm of your workout.

Go to the gym at off-peak times

If you can find time to sneak away to the gym - go at off-peak times. This is especially helpful if you are feeling uncomfortable about working out in front of other people, women included. Not sure when your gym’s off-peak hours are? Give them a call. Most employees will be able to tell you what times of day are less busy than others.

Work out with friends

Working out with friends or family members might be a good option if you don’t like being alone at the gym. Having a workout partner can also help you reach your fitness goals faster. Sometimes a partner can push you to your fitness goals (and vice versa). But it’s important that new moms don’t push themselves too hard at the gym.

Know that you’re not alone

While some moms can “bounce back” to their pre-baby weight with proper diet and exercise, that’s not the case for all new moms. Chances are, you’ll become frustrated with your results. Changes don’t happen overnight and it’s important to focus on your goals and stay positive while you’re on your fitness journey.

It’s not easy, but knowing you’re not facing your weight loss challenges alone and that there are many other women who are going through a similar situation is helpful.

Take things slow

This is the most important of them all! Take your workout slow. Set goals and don’t overdo it. And of course, check with your doctor before starting any kind of fitness routine and weight loss training. Your body is going through changes and working out too hard after pregnancy can set you (and your fitness goals) back.