Clean Up Your Act

Clean up Your Act  - Wedding Photography

         As I stated earlier, weddings are nothing short of chaotic. Part of the reason for this is there are usually a lot of people involved in a wedding and, more specifically, in the preparation that takes place immediately before the ceremony.



         It my experience, pre-wedding photo coverage is what takes the most planning and also the most preparation. Chalk it up to inexperience—after all, for the majority of brides, this is the first wedding they’ve ever planned. All of their energy has gone into planning for the wedding itself, not for the stuff that goes on beforehand! I’m here to tell you that all the “stuff” beforehand is just as important as the wedding and therefore needs to be part of your overall wedding plan.

         Most brides get ready for the wedding separate from their grooms. Typically, it is the bride’s attendants who get ready with her, just as the groom is usually surrounded by his groomsmen. Depending on the size of your wedding party and the space you have to get ready in, it can get very crowded, very cluttered, and very disorderly. Now, imagine how that will look in a photograph.



         With so many people moving around in one general space, it can be tough to maintain order. I always recommend setting up “stations” to keep clutter out of your photos. I’ve taken some absolutely gorgeous pictures of brides as they were having their make-up applied.

         Nothing ruins a picture like that faster than having a pile of junk in the background. If you can, set up stations that are clean and clutter-free. A station for applying make-up should have nothing but makeup there; a snack area in another room will prevent you from seeing empty drink bottles and crisp packets in your wedding photos.



         Make-up, hair embellishments, and other small wedding-related items can make wonderful props. As a general rule of thumb, get rid of anything in the space that will take away from your photos. I always say, “If it does not help the shot, it will hurt it.” One more thing before we move on: Invest in wooden hangers. It may seem to you like a pretty insignificant detail, but believe me when I say a good, sturdy hanger makes a world of difference when your photographer is trying photograph your wedding outfits. I've spent a great deal of time trying to find decent hangers to replace the cheap plastic ones after they've broke. Buy enough hangers that everyone in the wedding party has one—the bride, bridesmaids, groom, and groomsmen.