
Module BW25: "Labour Economics" at DICE/Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Bachelor-level course with a lecture, a tutorial and a seminar in the summer semester.

The course provides students with the basic tools and models to understand the workings of the labour market. The lecture is based on the textbook by R. G. Ehrenberg and R. S. Smith: "Modern Labor Economics".

Module description here.

Bachelor theses at DICE/Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

I supervise Bachelor theses in the field of labour economics, preferably of students who have taken the Module BW25 described above.

Writing and presentation principles

If you are writing a paper under my supervision, make sure you follow these brief writing principles and use this checklist. If you want more detailed advice, here is a good guide for writing seminar papers in English and in German.

If you are presenting in one of my seminars, please follow these presentation guidelines.

You can find many resources on writing and presenting here: https://sites.google.com/site/mkudamatsu/tips4economists