
Work in progress

Bachmann, R., M. Janser, F. Lehmer, C. Vonnahme (2024), Disentangling the greening of the labour market: The role of changing occupations and worker flows. Mimeo.

Bachmann, R., M. Gonschor (2024), Technological progress, occupational structure and gender gaps in the German labour market. SOEP papers 1207.

Bachmann, R., G. Demir, C. Green, A. Uhlendorff (2022), The role of within-occupation task changes in wage development. Ruhr Economic Paper No. 975.

Recent publications in English (selection)

Bachmann, R., M. Gonschor, S. Milasi, A. Mitra (2024), Technological progress and the dynamics of self-employment: worker-level evidence for Europe. International Labour Review, forthcoming. (Previous version available as Ruhr Economic Paper No. 1023.)

Bachmann, R., M. Gonschor, P. Lewandowski, K. Madon (2024), The effects of robots on labour market transitions in Europe. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 70: 422-441.

Bachmann, R., F. Hertweck (2024), The gender gap in digital literacy: A cohort analysis for Germany. Applied Economics Letters, online first (open access).

Bachmann, R., M. Gonschor, T. Korfhage, A. Wübker (2023), Covid-19 and life satisfaction across Europe. Applied Economics Letters, 30(5): 635-639 (open access).

Aghelmaleki, H., R. Bachmann, J. Stiebale (2022), The China shock, employment protection, and European jobs. ILR Review 75(5): 1269-1293 (open access).

Bachmann, R., G. Demir, H. Frings (2022), Labour market polarisation, job tasks, and monopsony power. Journal of Human Resources 57: S11-S49 (open access).

Bachmann, R., R. Felder (2021), Labour market transitions, shocks and institutions in turbulent times: A cross-country analysis. Empirica 48(2): 329-352 (open access).

Bachmann, R., P. Bechara, C. Vonnahme (2020), Occupational mobility in Europe: Extent, determinants and consequences. De Economist 168(1): 79-108 (also available as IZA Discussion Paper #12678).

Bachmann, R., R. Felder, M. Tamm (2020), Labour market participation and atypical employment over the life cycle – A cohort analysis for Germany. Evidence-based HRM 8(2): 195-213.  (also available as IZA Discussion Paper #12010).

Bachmann, R., P. Bechara (2019), The importance of two-sided heterogeneity for the cyclicality of labour market dynamics. The Manchester School 87(6): 794-820.

Bachmann, R., M. Cim, C. Green (2019), Long-run patterns of labour market polarisation: Evidence from German micro data.  British Journal of Industrial Relations 57(2): 350-376.

Bachmann, R., R. Felder (2018), Job stability in Europe over the cycle. International Labour Review 157 (3): 481-516.

Bachmann, R., H. Frings (2017), Monopsonistic competition, low-wage labour markets, and minimum wages - An empirical analysis. Applied Economics 49 (51): 5268-5286.

Bachmann, R., P. Bechara, S. Schaffner (2016), Wage inequality and wage mobility in Europe. Review of Income and Wealth 62 (1): 181-197.  

Recent publications in German (selection)

Bachmann, R., B. Boockmann, C. Vonnahme, J. S. Wiemann (2024), Internationale Dateninnovationen: Potenziale für die deutsche Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialpolitik. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 73(1): 1-23.

Bachmann, R., F. Martinez-Flores, C. Rulff (2024), Die Lohnlücke in der Zeitarbeit – Eine empirische Analyse auf Grundlage der Integrierten Erwerbsbiografien und der Verdienststrukturerhebung. AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 18(1): 15-36. (open access).

Bachmann, R., F. Hertweck, R. Kamb, J. Lehner, M. Niederstadt, C. Rulff (2022), Digitale Kompetenzen in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 71(3): 266-286. (open access) 

Bachmann, R., C. Rulff, C. M. Schmidt (2021), Finanzielle Kompetenzen und Defizite in Deutschland – eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme. List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik 47: 111-132. (open access)

Bachmann, R., P. Jäger, R. Jessen (2021), A Split Decision: Welche Auswirkungen hätte die Abschaffung des Ehegattensplittings auf das Arbeitsangebot und die Einkommensverteilung?. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 70(2): 105-131. (open access).