Through my graphic designing career. I had the honor to create amazing concept art for my clients I have encountered.

These are Space Design Concept art that I had to create for my client.

In the UFNPD

(United First Nations Planetary Defense)

Moon Colony

Space Rover Escort

This was creation of moon colony. Space rover escorting a injured astronaut toward moon colony

Astroid Miner Rover

A asteroid space miner rover. For mining resources crash landed asteroids on the Moon.

During my commutations back and forth with my client.

I had created space rover and satellite concept art.

Space Ambluance Rover

A rover design to carry injured astronauts on mission

Dark Side

Space Rover

A simple design for mission on exploring dark side of moon

Space Astroid

Miner Rover

A sketch design of space miner rover


Lost Satellite

A sketch of concept satellite above earth.

To measure permafrost loss

Escort Space


A design concept of the explorer and escort rover