As another part of being in the field of graphic design. I have also done some photography.

I'm a newcomer in photography. I have done my best examples of images.

While still learning how to take amazing photos.

Architectures Images Vanishings Points, and Dynamic Angles

These are a few examples of Architecture images that I took. For being the best image of dynamic angles also being vanishing points.

Close Up Images

Dynamic angles are always good to create an allusion. Close-up images are an interesting point of view.

Shutter Speed Images

While close-up images are good. Freeze-in-time images are the best. Something mystical about them sets the mood.

Low-Key Images

The lighting is good in some photos. But what about the dark side of photographs. These images create a sense of unsettledness.

Doors and Windows Images

Sometimes environment images set the mood. One of the main quotes "Eyes are the windows to the soul.".