Top 5 Major Things for Responsive Web Designing

1. Increase your website page speed:

The website should load quickly. It is even used by Google to rank pages. It plays a crucial role in increasing user experience. The page with higher load speed raises user experience. Learn Web Designing Training, It has been observed that pages with longer load time increase the bounce rate and people spend less time on these pages. So, how can you improve page speed? You can reduce the size of CSS, HTML and Javascript files of greater than 150 bytes by using software application. Try to increase server response time and leverage the advantage of browser caching.

2. Focus on Call to Action Text:

Do focus on Call to Action Text. Your call to action can significantly increase your website traffic and time spent on your webpage for longer durations. When visitors interact on your website for longer than 10 seconds, they are interested in your content. Now, you should engage your visitors by giving them the appropriate call to Actions. The Call to Action should have a verb like “Download,”” “Proceed to Checkout,” “Get a Quote.” Similarly, you should use the 1st person to tell them what they like to do. For example instead of having words “would you like to get it…” use “I would like to get it…”

3. Use Colors Wisely:

Colors play a significant role in creating a successful website design. The appropriate use of colors has the power to create a positive impact on visitor and increase their spending time on the website. You can use the contrasting color to display your Call to Actions. There are various ways of using color by which you can enhance your user experience. For example, using color in balance. It means that your website should contain 70% of the primary color and 20% of neutral colors to enhance content backgrounds and 5–10% pop color to display Call to Action.

4. Have Appropriate Photos:

There is no point in filling your website with full of free stock images. The royalty free images are general, and they are used by most of the websites. So, how will you distinguish your content with others? To do so, either you should take the help of the graphic designer to have an original graphic design related to your content or post pictures of your company people on the sites.

5. Proper Testimonials:

This is the most common mistake done by the companies. They make a separate page for testimonials. You should display your testimonials on the webpage offering your product or services. It is better to provide two testimonials for your every product and services. One should be qualitative and personal, which appeals to the emotion of your client. For example-“Thank you so much for an amazing delivery” Other should support it with data and statistics. “Fabulous 100% deliver on Time.” Testimonials are the excellent way to increase your business but should be used appropriately.

So, what are you going do to now? You should look at your website and sees what are you missing? Go and implement these small tips to improve your website user experience.