5 Ways to Improve your Creative & Responsive Web Design.

Does your website have a higher bounce rate? The visitor leaves your site within a few seconds. If yes, then it is the time to redesign your website. Your website is not attractive enough to hold your audience. The visitor decides to stay on your site or not within 5 seconds. The first impression does matter here. If you are not working on your website design, you are not converting your visitors into customers. Even, new visitors will stop coming on your website. Learn web development course in chennai at Metaforum Technologies.

So, in this article, we bring the 5 ways to improve your Web Design. These methods will increase your website ranking and accessibility.

1. Navigation:

The most important thing to focus on a website is navigation. Your site should be easily navigable. Visitors should be able to find what they are searching for. They do not have to keep spending time searching for menus. They should find new page links within two seconds. Keeping your list to five or a maximum seven is ideal. Your website should clearly tell them what you are offering them. People do not understand the industry-specific jargon. So, explain technical things in simple word. We offer best web designing course in chennai at metaforum technologies.

2. Keep writing to Minimum:

Lengthy writing on the website appears boring to visitors. They are in a hurry to scan through the post and find the best. So, include headings, pictures, Infographics , graphs, data in your article. This is essential for the commercial website selling products, industry promoting their services on sites. However, an exception to this rule is the blog post and white paper. The blog post should explain things in detail to their visitors. The pictures should be in sync with your contents. For example, there is no point in including a generic mobile picture when your post is talking about a specific mobile brand.

3. Include Social Share:

Do you know there are 800 million active monthly users on Instagram? The 22% of the world population uses Facebook. There are 500 million active users on LinkedIn and 100 million daily active users on Twitters. So, how can you miss social share buttons? Social Media are the gateways to your success. If visitors like your post they will love to share it and promote on their social media accounts. It is the most powerful tool to drive traffic to your website. But, it doesn’t mean you will include social media feeds on your sites.

4. Love the Whitespace:

If you fill your website with content everywhere, it doesn’t mean it will increase traffic. The visitor will leave the site when they find the webpage disorganized and full of material. Whitespace is the places on your webpage that are left blank. There are many advantages of using whitespace. It increases content legibility and interaction with the content. The whitespace between the paragraphs and pictures increases the user readability. It prevents unnecessary distraction on their site. It will add elegance and superiority to your websites.

5. Optimize your site for Mobile:

The maximum users accessing the internet are on mobile. So, make your website responsive to mobile. Even, Google made it mandatory by penalizing the sites to make it mobile friendly. It is simple to do. You can create the mobile version of the website, use free plugins and convert the website to responsive web design.

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