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Web Commerce Technology Handbook Pdf Download

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.02 Handbooks and manuals which have been cleared per procedures in Section 2, and which have been issued subsequent to the date of issuance of this Order also have the full force and effect of a DAO. Any such handbook and manual will be added to the consolidated listing of this Order in its next issuance.

.03 This revision updates procedural guidance for the Office of Primary Interest (OPI); provides a listing of Departmental handbooks and manuals; and incorporates some of the hyperlinks to handbook and manual titles.

.01 Department of Commerce documents which fall within the description of that which constitutes a DAO (See DAO 200-3, Department Administrative Order Series, Section 2. Scope) and are unavoidably lengthy or detailed by virtue of the operational guidance included therein, shall be issued, pursuant to this DAO, as a handbook or manual. Examples of this type of document include: directives that contain policy as well as procedural guidance in administrative areas such as travel management, security, acquisition, and financial management. For the purposes of this Order, there is not a difference in the terms handbook and manual, and titling is the option of the OPI. 


.02 The OPI is responsible for preparing, clearing, issuing, and maintaining the handbook or manual and any subsequent issuances or changes according to this Section of this Order, subject to prior review and comment by the Office of Inspector General, Office of the General Counsel and other offices as appropriate.

.03 The format and style of a handbook or manual are not prescribed, except that each handbook or manual must conform to the following principles: written in plain English; provide complete and clear information; and organized so that the target audience can readily find the information needed. Offices that are preparing a handbook or manual are encouraged to review a sample of those contained in Sections 3 and 4 below, to identify formats that may be suited for the objective and type of material presented.

.04 The Department of Commerce Information Technology Management Handbook provides policies, procedures, and guidance for the management of information technology resources.

 (OPI, Office of the Chief Information Officer)

.06 The Budget Contacts Handbook improves the management of funds in the Office of the Secretary (OS) by enhancing the knowledge base of OS budget contacts and directors. This handbook is designed to provide guidance to individuals who may have little or no experience as a budget contact. It is organized according to the budget cycle. (OPI, Office of Financial Management)

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is an agency of the United States Department of Commerce whose mission is to promote American innovation and industrial competitiveness. NIST's activities are organized into physical science laboratory programs that include nanoscale science and technology, engineering, information technology, neutron research, material measurement, and physical measurement. From 1901 to 1988, the agency was named the National Bureau of Standards.[4]

The Congress of 1866 made use of the metric system in commerce a legally protected activity through the passage of Metric Act of 1866.[19] On May 20, 1875, 17 out of 20 countries signed a document known as the Metric Convention or the Treaty of the Meter, which established the International Bureau of Weights and Measures under the control of an international committee elected by the General Conference on Weights and Measures.[20]

NIST also operates a neutron science user facility: the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR). The NCNR provides scientists access to a variety of neutron scattering instruments, which they use in many research fields (materials science, fuel cells, biotechnology, etc.).

The Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST) performs research in nanotechnology, both through internal research efforts and by running a user-accessible cleanroom nanomanufacturing facility. This "NanoFab" is equipped with tools for lithographic patterning and imaging (e.g., electron microscopes and atomic force microscopes).

NIST works in conjunction with the Technical Guidelines Development Committee of the Election Assistance Commission to develop the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines for voting machines and other election technology.

There is a revolution transforming the global economy. Web technology is transforming all business activities into information-based. The rate of technological change is so rapid that emerging electronic commerce already is making fundamental changes in the economic landscape, affecting every aspect of how business is and will be conducted. The Web has extended the reach of corporations. New business opportunities are growing incrementally because of the vast amount of business information made available by the global Web, which helps bring together the information passed between businesses, between a business and its customers, and among different departments of a business. It will no longer be possible operationally or strategically to ignore the information-based virtual value chains for any business. This chapter reviews the scope, current applications, and the potentials of electronic commerce. It also develops a framework for identifying the significant opportunities and important research issues associated with electronic commerce. The emphasis is on taking an interdisciplinary view that integrates technology and business models.

FORT DRUM, New York (April 15, 2019) -- Contracting professionals at Fort Drum, New York, showed that Army acquisitions could be made simpler, quicker and cheaper. They accomplished this by harnessing today's e-commerce technology to more rapidly deliver supplies to Soldiers through the successful pilot of the Simplified Acquisition Threshold Supply Procurement Program, or S2P2.

Online marketplaces were not a new concept when developing the pilot program. Multiple e-commerce and auction sites, such as eBay, already demonstrated efficiencies such as speed and transparency. It does not take long to post a solicitation to an auction site. What takes time is fleshing out with mission partners the specifications of their contract requirements.

The use of capabilities within an existing website provided by the ACC reverse auction contractor and the development of an interactive, step-by-step handbook eliminated any arduous training requirement. Successfully implementing S2P2 encompassed education meetings that detailed the program's primary intent of reducing hands-on touch time by all parties involved in the solicitation and reinforced the use of the handbook. Whenever a question was asked, it was answered by referring to the handbook. As necessary, each interactive session conducted resulted in feedback that led to revisions in the next version of the handbook.

Having met all objective requirements, the ACC commanding general approved implementation of S2P2 MICC-wide for all supply actions under the simplified acquisition threshold with the following exceptions: information technology subject to the Army's mandatory Computer Hardware, Enterprise Software and Solutions program, purchases under the micro purchase threshold, and purchases to be made against existing indefinite delivery requirements type contracts. Based on the success of the pilot, officials from the MICC headquarters designated its contracting office at Fort Drum as the command's S2P2 lead.

It was clear that most people would like the ability to help themselves, in which communication was accomplished primarily through self-help web devices. An S2P2 handbook and how-to video were created to ensure the MICC contracting workforce properly communicated with its customer base the preferred self-help approach. The handbook successfully communicated the entire S2P2 process to the customer that ensured a buy could be completed without any training. For those customers who are visual learners, the video met their need. Both the handbook and video reside on the command's SharePoint site for secure access by the MICC workforce and its customers.

For the units of study that are available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce component of this combined degree, refer to the tables and descriptions in the Subject areas section of this handbook.

This Information Security Handbook provides a broad overview of information security program elements to assist managers in understanding how to establish and implement an information security program. Typically, the organization looks to the program for overall responsibility to ensure the selection and implementation of appropriate security controls and to demonstrate the effectiveness of satisfying their stated security requirements. The topics within this document were selected based on the laws and regulations relevant to information security, including the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130. The material in this handbook can be referenced for general information on a particular topic or can be used in the decision making process for developing an information security program. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Interagency Report (IR) 7298, Glossary of Key Information Security Terms, provides a summary glossary for the basic security terms used throughout this document. While reading this handbook, please consider that the guidance is not specific to a particular agency. Agencies should tailor this guidance according to their security posture and business requirements. be457b7860

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