"Scientists are the problem solvers of society, using their knowledge to tackle the most complex challenges, including those posed by natural disasters."  - Michio Kaku

Wildfire modelling and Early warning of wildfire events

Wildfire modelling and Early warning of wildfire events

Urban Climate Model and heat stress

Changes in Rainfall pattern over Urban environment in the climate change scenario

Surface atmosphere
interaction over melting Sea ice

                     Welcome to the weatherXplorers Group at the Centre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation and Management, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Led by the esteemed Professor Piyush Srivastava, our research group is dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of weather and exploring its impact on various aspects of our environment. With a diverse range of expertise and a shared passion for meteorological research, we strive to push the boundaries of knowledge and contribute to the betterment of society. Our research group, WeatherXplorers, takes a comprehensive approach to studying various aspects of meteorology, encompassing a wide range of disciplines. 

                       We employ methodologies to delve into the intricacies of wildfires, urban meteorology, air quality, mountain meteorology, hydro meteorology, polar meteorology, Boundary layer meteorology, and wind energy. Through our investigations, we aim to understand the dynamics and behavior of wildfires, explore the impact of urbanization on local weather conditions, devise strategies for air quality management, unravel the unique atmospheric phenomena in mountainous and polar regions, and optimize the utilization of wind energy resources. By combining these research interests, we strive to contribute to a deeper understanding of meteorological processes and promote sustainable practices for a better future.