The moons are split into 28 icons, to correspond neatly with the 28 day moon cycle. There is a primary set and alternate set. The primary set is meant to be interpreted as: where there are pixels, that is the illuminated part of the moon. The alternate set is meant to be interpreted as: where there are pixels, that is the shadowed part of the moon.

I am using OpenWeatherMap to get the weather data for my app.With the response data openweather is sending a weather icon code and they have a specific icon for that code which is very small ,but i want a bigger icon to use in my home page.Is there any alternative to get a bigger Icon from OpenWeatherMap.

Weather Icons Download


On July 7, 2015, NWS implemented changes to the icons depicted on all of its point-forecast pages. Changes include new images with increased clarity, 6-hour increments for rapidly-changing weather (via "dual-icons") and new color blocks to highlight forecast hazards (via "hazard boxes").

Changes to the icons were based on analysis of 6,700 public comments collected in 2014. Also, many of these changes are based on the results of a research project led by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (Demuth, Lazo, & Morss, 2012; Demuth, Morss, Lazo, & Hilderbrand, 2013).

Users are encouraged to continue to provide comments regarding these changes via email at NWS will continue to analyze incoming feedback and refine the icons as necessary. Any substantial change to the icons will be facilitated through the NWS public comment/review process.

NOTE: It is possible to meet more than one weather condition for a requested location. The first weather condition in API respond is primary. An exampleHow to get icon URLFor code 500 - light rain icon = "10d". See below a full list of codes

URL is @2x.png

OpenWeather is a team of IT experts and data scientists that has been practising deep weather data science. For each point on the globe, OpenWeather provides historical, current and forecasted weather data via light-speed APIs. Headquarters in London, UK.

Hey, guys I was wondering if there were any other CDN available to use in replace of the freecodecamp ones. I am using -icons/ .com but all that shows up are 4 rec bars. I have looked at others projects who implemented the -icons/ and it seems to no longer show up.

This is the variable that will hold the current weather icon, this is the bit your webpage will see. Use getElementById or the jquery equivalent to place the icon in your page in the element you want it to appear.

I can't seem to fix this issue. Using the OpenWeather Gnome extension in ubuntu 19.04 the weather icons are broken with a exclamation mark on them. I've tried removing and re-adding the extension even moved to darksky. Nothing seems to fix them. I swear they used to work but I'm starting to question it. Any idea how to fix?

It seems looking at The Open Weather App that is used by Facer for the weather data That Current and Forecast 1 ( A ) are both for today. Current is possibly updated as the day progresses . Forecast 1 also can change with the prediction .

Sorry but I find it virtually impossible to resolve the difference between Showery Rain and Rain . It seems even Open Weather Has it Jumbled.

The temperature values are correct but the rest of the icons are wrong. I installed ttf-weather-icons as mentioned in the link and also called it in my polybar config file. I don't know where I went wrong but the icon is 

wrong than what is should be.

Below is a list of icons that will correlate with the icon property within the AerisWeather API. You will find our legacy icons in addition to our current icons. To download the list of icons, please visit our downloads page.

This repository not only contains the production-ready files, but also the original designfiles. You may use these files to adjust icons or even create new ones. The design filesare Adobe Illustrator .ai-files.

Is there a list of possible values for CurrentWeather.CurrentWeatherData.conditionCode? I'm working with the WeatherKit REST API and I would like to display different icons based on the value of conditionCode.

@rgilmour did you make any progress on this? I'm looking for a set of weather icons that correspond one-to-one with conditionCode (to avoid having to use a custom mapping to some other icon set). But at the very least it would be helpful if a similar mapping already exists out there for some other icon set.

Weather icons are some of the most frequently used visual tools that meteorologists employ to communicate weather information. Previous research has shown a tendency for the public to make inferences about weather forecast information on the basis of the icon shown. For example, people may infer a higher likelihood of precipitation, assume a higher intensity of precipitation, or determine the duration of expected precipitation if the weather icon appears to show heavy rain. It is unknown to what extent these inferences align with what the meteorologist who chose the icon intended to convey. However, previous studies have used simulated weather icons rather than ones currently in use. The goal of our study was to explore how members of the public interpret actual weather icons they see on television or in mobile applications. An online survey distributed by broadcast meteorologists through social media was used to collect 6253 responses between August and September of 2020. Eleven weather icons currently used by broadcast meteorologists were included in the study. We also tested eight common weather phrases and asked people whether they thought the icons were good illustrators of those phrases. In addition, people were asked to assign a probability of precipitation to the icons. The findings of our study offer new and unique insights that will improve the communication of weather information by giving meteorologists information about how their audiences interpret weather icons.

Millions of people are shown weather icons during daily weather broadcasts. This study used two approaches to determine whether these icons are effective elements of weather messaging. For the first approach, we showed people an icon alongside a common weather phrase and had them tell us whether the icon was a good illustrator of the weather phrase. The second approach involved showing people an icon and having them assign a probability of precipitation to it. Across eight weather phrases, none of the icons were thought to be good illustrators, but bad illustrators were clear. These results can be used to improve how icons are used as tools to communicate weather forecasts.

The use of weather icons to communicate weather forecasts is a long-standing and deeply embedded practice of broadcast meteorologists (BMs). However, there is a lack of peer-reviewed research that addresses actual weather icons currently used by BMs in daily weather forecasts and whether those icons serve any useful purpose as elements in weather messaging. Furthermore, there is an even greater lack of research on the meaning of individual weather icons is and the intent of practitioners who use them or designers who create the icons. Although there are critically important questions about the meaning and intent of weather icons, in designing this study the authors elected to focus instead on both the practice of BMs using weather icons and audience interpretation of weather icons.

A recent, but seminal, publication by Williams and Eosco (2021) on message consistency within the weather enterprise emphasized the need to work toward minimizing unnecessary conflicting information within the context of a weather message. Because weather icons used by BMs are commonly presented alongside a qualitative weather phrase and a PoP on graphics (National Research Council 2006), particularly the extended forecast graphic (Reed and Senkbeil 2021, 2020), this study was designed generate data that will allow practitioners, particularly BMs, to critically examine whether the icons they use emphasize, complement, or contradict the weather phrases and PoPs the icons are routinely shown alongside. Generating these data will illuminate for BMs any disparities between how they use and interpret the combination of icons, weather phrases, and PoPs versus how members of the public interpret those same combinations. If it is found that an icon and a particular phrase, or an icon and a PoP value, are in conflict, BMs can avoid using those combinations in their forecasts and therefore avoid disseminating information that may result in confusion. ff782bc1db

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