
The Wonder Stage:

The importance of Wondering in the Primary School Classroom:

"wonder keeps our interest in the world alive, it makes us aware of the contingency of existing ways to understand or do things, stimulates our imagination and helps us to see alternative possibilities." (Wolbert & Schinkel,2021,p.443).

"the new understandings that are gained  are unique to those students and to the connections that they make."(Stripling,2008,p.51)

The wondering stage is so important as it stimulates curiosity and encourages children to ask their own questions giving them a sense of control and ownership over their own learning.

Our Class Approach:

Wonder Walls.   

Our 'Precipitation' Wonder Wall.

An example of the class wonder wall the children could create when exploring percipitation.

Why did we Choose to Use Wonder Walls at this Stage?

The wonder wall shows all children that their questions are important and valued showing children the importance of exploring and investigating aspects they wonder about.

'Heavy Rain' by (Walker,2021), is a relatable stimulus that we can show the children at the begining of the inquiry process to encourage their questioning and to get them excited about researching and exploring aspects of rain they may have never questioned before. 🎥

One of the ways by which we will promote the children researching their questions while also forming hypotheses based on the investigations they are conducting, is by using the "Epic" reading platform.

Epic reading examples.

Why did we chose epic reading as a resource in this stage?

Epic is a great research resource for children. It is a complete digital library of children's books, it offers a range of choice to children in which they can compare and discuss a variety of information in lots of different texts based on their choosen topic. It is also a great tool for students to find information fast and for children who like to learn aurally, as it allows children to listen to the variety of texts they may be exploring and comparing when investigating their research projects.

"Epic makes listening to and reading books incredibly appealing."(Ryan,2019)

We would also allow students to use online resources such as DK Findout as it gives children scientifically accurate information, which is displayed in simple language for the children to make sense of and build on.

The Following Links are examples of what the children might use on "DK FindOut" to learn more about their questions and to form hypothesis of the results they could get from these investigations:

What was our reasoning for choosing 'DK Findout' to use with our class?

Dk find out is a search tool which allows children to find factual information in a fun and interesting format based on a range of topics.

It gives the children factual information on a range of topics in simplistic language.

It provides children with quizzes, visual represenatations, fun facts, videos, books and much more which allow children to explore and access accurate information about a wide range of topics in a variety of ways.

It is also extremely useful as a planning resource for teachers, as it provides a range of planning ideas and a great way to recap a lesson or an overall point when finishing up a unit of inquiry for the day.

Lets go to the Third Phase - INVESTIGATE