
The Connect Stage:

We think this stage is really important as it gives the children a starting point to their inquiries and explorations, setting them up for participating in an interesting and beneficial inquiry process by exploring their prior knowledge on the topic and their connections with the topic in general making the learning more meaningful for them overall.

"tasks should as far as possible be challenging and be related to the pupils real life experiences." (Greenwood et al., 2020, p.2)

" Learners construct their own knowledge and understanding and can be aided and motivated by teaching approaches that begin with the learners' prior learning." (Bacon,2018,p.1)

What We Will Explore With The Children In The Connection Stage.

Our Class Approach:

What do you already know about rain?

Join our padlet using our QR code or link to let us know your prior knowledge!

Why we chose Padlet as a tool to determine and display the childrens Previous Related Knowledge:

Padlet is an online notice board, which provides children with a  platform in which they can share and combine their ideas based on a certain topic. 

Join Our Mentimeter using the QR code and tell us about your connections with rain. 🌧

Why did we chose Mentimeter as a tool at this stage:

Menitmeter is a great online tool which allows children to add their ideas into a word cloud while illustrating to the students the biggest answer or question the class has in common.

Curriculum Links  🖇 - Further connections we could explore with the children based on the Curriculum.

Lets move on to the Second Phase - INVESTIGATE