Preparation menus reference

In version 3.0 of the Wearpose System, the Preparation menus have been enhanced to support more operations, like copying positional information from one pose to another. This page serves as a reference for this menu.

The Main preparation menu

The picture above shows the main preparation menu. Below is a description of all these buttons and the sub-menus they lead to. It is to be noted that, as an anti-lag measure, all preparation menus expire after 5 minutes (just click the attachment again to bring back a functional menu).

Close menu

as one can guess from the name, this button just closes the menu, freeing associated script resources (as opposed to the "ignore" button).


This button brings a (hopefully useful) help message, that does point to this website too.

Use pose

This button enables you to select a pose from a menu where all the poses defined in the current .menus notecard are available. As previously mentioned, the actual menu structure is not used here, all poses are included in the same menu.

Selecting a pose from this menu activates the associated animation and repositions the attachment according to the current positional information (position and orientation of the attachment) associated with this pose, and makes the available adjustment settings for this pose available.

List pos

Positional information (position and orientation of the attachment) is recorded and normally associated with a POSE name from the .menus notecard. By clicking the "List pos" button, you can get a list of all positional information currently recorded.

It is possible that some of it is no longer associated with a POSE if, for example, you removed a pose from your .menus notecard, or renamed it. If the script detects this situation, it will add an [UNUSED] suffix to this positional information. In this situation you still have the opportunity to copy it to another pose or purge it thanks to the extra buttons described below.

Copy pos

You have the possibility to copy an existing positional (associated with a pose or unused) information to a pose by selecting this menu.

This process also allows you to effectively rename your poses inside the .menus without effectively losing the positional information previously recorded: just rename your POSE inside the .menus notecard, let the preparation script reload it, then copy the old positional information from the old name.

Clear pos

This button will allow you to clear (reset) the current positional information for the currently selected pose. This means that both the local position and local rotation of the attachment will be set to zero for the current pose. The script will ask for confirmation first.

Purge unused

This particular button will allow you to delete all positional information not currently associated with a pose. This means the positional info marked with an [UNUSED] suffix when you click on the "List pos" button. A confirmation is asked first, and positional information associated with an existing pose is left untouched, of course.


This button enables you to enter or exit the adjustment mode. Please refer to the pages about adjustment for more information.

DUMP pos

This button outputs all positional information to a series of lines to be copied into the .positions notecard, as described on the page dealing with the preparation process.

Only the positional information associated with a pose will be included in this generation. Unused positional information is retained (available for copy for example), but not exported to the .positions notecard.