API / Scripting Interface

In this section a basic knowledge of LSL scripting is assumed. Basic users can just skip it :)

The WearPose System (and more precisely the WPS-MainScript) can be interfaced with other scripts thanks to link_messages. Below are the descriptions of the messages you can send to the WPS-MainScript in order to make it work with your own scripts. These are called "command messages". The label is a way to make the messages more human-readable but it has no meaning to scripts.

Feuille de calcul sans titre

The WPS will also send link_messages across the whole LINK_SET with the following parameters, called "status messages". All these messages have their key field NULL_KEY (except for BUTTON-configured messages of course).

API - Scripting interface

Note that sending a GiveMenu link_message may enable access to a "hidden" menu, as discussed in the Configuration reference section, without a "path" from the Main menu.

As of version 3.0, the Wearpose System makes use of Linkset Data (LSD), which is a convenient way to store data in an object and share it across scripts. Only one key is publicly available for now, others are private, protected and subject to change in later versions.

The Wearpose System's LSD keys are all prefixed with WPS_. Take this into account when designing your own LSD-aware scripts.

API - Scripting interface