Wearables in Education: A Smart Move

An Opportunity Forecast

Discover the educational benefits of wearables in the classroom and assess the investment value of these innovative devices for K-12 education. 

What are Wearables?

Wearables describe a group of computer-powered devices that are designed to be worn throughout the day, with specific functions generally associated with fitness and health. We introduce what these devices are, why the market focus is so intense, its effects on health and motivation, and finally how artificial intelligence plays a role.

Activity Centre

What does the term "wearable" mean to you? 

How will we adapt if wearables are commonplace in the classroom?

How do wearables affect motivation?

Will wearables leverage the power of AI?

Comment or describe a venture opportunity.

Wearables in Education: A Worthwhile Investment?

Our final reflection on the impact of wearable use in education.