West Central OK Amateur Radio Club


Radio Amateurs of West-Central Oklahoma

E-mail wcoarc.elkcity@gmail.com          Telegram group wcoarc     

Wireless internet courtesy of Hudson Technology Solutions (580) 772-2224

Repeaters - 146.76- 88.5  444.525+ 141.3  DMR 147.225  CC1 TG 314098

Some up coming events.

West Central OK ARC club meetings - Third Sunday each month, 1500 local, 105 Allee Drive.

Weekly net - Mondays, 1900 hrs, 146.76 repeater

HF Group - Tuesdays, 1900 hrs, 28.410-- 2000 hrs 7.234 +/-

Route 66 on The Air - Sept 7th-15th
VE testing, Sept 7th 1:00 PM