
General Information

April 23 (Sunday) to April 27 (Thursday) - Camus Area
April 26 (Thursday ) to  April 30 (Sunday) - Puget Sound  Region
April 30 (Sunday) to May 3 (Wednesday)    

These are the dates of the full official tour.  Some individual delegates may arrive earlier or later than these dates.  

Letter of Invitation (sample)

This letter is to officially invite you to participate in the 2023 “Leaders Tour”.   The invitation is in behalf of the organizing sponsors: the partner City of Camas, the Camas Sister City Organization, and the Washington City Management Association (WCMA).

We expect that the delegation will include a dozen representatives of our three sister cities, their associated communities, and the professional counterpart organizations to WCMA---the Forum of Sekretarze (Forum) and the Foundation for the Support of Local Democracy (Foundation).   The Leaders Tour will have the active participation of the organizing sponsors, as well as groups and individuals—including the Camas Schools, the City of Washougal, and WCMA members, and the Seattle area Polish-American community.  

The Leaders Tour will begin April 23rd, and conclude May 3rd.   You may expect that the full program will be “professionally useful, and personally interesting”.   There will be substantial mutual contact with the American community and regional leaders.   You will have varied experiences with US model cities in our region of the USA.   There will be plentiful opportunities for mutual exchange and discussion of ideas, best practices, vision, and challenges.   The “two-way street” of knowing outstanding leaders and professionals of our two democracies will be of value professionally and personally.   The words of an outstanding Polish professional are especially significant.   In describing the many gifts of the ongoing cooperation partnerships, she said: “Remember, it’s also about the friendships”.

We welcome you to the Leaders Tour.   Please officially re-confirm your participation, via e-mail to Lloyd Halverson, Partnership Coordinator.   More specifics will follow in other practical notes.



Steve Hogan         Jennifer Power-Myers       Kristi Rowland           Lloyd Halverson

Mayor                     President                           President, WCMA      Partnership Coordinator,  City of Camas       Camas Sister City Organization