When a crisis occurs, Waze, our editor community and Waze Partners work together to help people in the affected area.

Our goal is to collect information quickly and efficiently, in order to provide as many helpful real time updates and communication channels on the Waze map, as possible.


How to share information about a crisis with Waze?

Any user can report a crisis to waze-crisis@google.com:

Please include:

Subject format: “URGENT: Crisis Event in [Country + Type]”

In the message: Any relevant info/news coverage. Add bounding box, if possible.

Communication with the Local Community:

Some communities have first responder volunteers who act as our first point of contact in case of a crisis event. Community First Responders act as our connection between the local community and Waze staff.

Interested in being a Community First Responder? Reach out to your community leaders and fill out this form.

We also communicate with local partners to get additional information. If you know of a good lead (private or government organisation), please email their information to us (either before or during a crisis) at waze-crisis@google.com and we will reach out to them directly.

➡️Please find the Crisis Response White Paper here.