
PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S版 Version 1.21 の公開を開始しました。

PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S版 Version 1.21 パッチノート:

      - メラニスティック・ミュールジカ
      - メラニスティックローディア
      - アルビノ・オジロジカ
      - アルビノアカシカ
・追加目標 - タスク
    - ネズパース渓谷に6つの新しいタスクが追加されました
    - トランシルバニアに6つの新しいタスクが追加されました

      - 新しいゲームを開始する前に難易度を選択できるようになりました
      - メインメニューでの難易度選択

・車両物理 - キャラクターと一緒に車を反転させたり、空中に投げたりできるようになりました
      - 木が岩の内側に配置される
      - 水のテクスチャーの位置がずれていた

Xbox Series X/S版 Version1.21 (Build: 88961) のパッチノート:




(PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S) Version 1.21 Patch notes:

- Added: Vehicle radio
- Added: Animal’s fur rare variations:
      - Melanistic mule deer
      - Melanistic roe deer
      - Albino white-tailed deer
      - Albino red deer
- (MP) Added: Host’s taxidermies appear in their multiplayer session
- Added: Loading screen tips
- Added: Additional objectives - Tasks
    - 6 new tasks for Nez Perce Valley
    - 6 new for Transylvania
- Tweaked: Improved Main menu UI
      - Difficulty selection before starting a new game
      - Difficulty selection in the main menu
- Tweaked: Character animations
- Fixed: Greylag goose and Ross’s goose sometimes T-posing in killcam
- Fixed: Missing teeth of animals in the inspect mode
- Fixed: Ambient sound volume increasing in UI
- Fixed: Vehicle physics - Players able to flip the car or throw it in the air with the character
- Fixed: Large animals sometimes not fitting in the hunting overview
- Fixed: Waterfowl getting stuck in a loop flying between two near-need zones
- Fixed: Environmental issues
      - Tree placed inside the rock
      - Misplaced water texture
- (MP) Partially fixed: Opening the claim screen triggers respawn of dead animal bodies
- (MP) Fixed: Players not seeing gamer tags in the hunting map
- (MP) Fixed: Clients not able to hear some animal cues (squeaking)
- (MP) Fixed: Private areas behaving differently for client and host
- (MP) Fixed: Taxidermized animal from MP was not available in SP 

(Xbox Series X/S) Version 1.21 (Build: 88961) patch notes:

- Fixed: News splash screen text
- Fixed: Hares walking above ground
- Tuned: Lighting of albino animals
- Reverted: Firearm recoil increase

