On the way home

Meeting Sparkle!!

WHat we learn from this experience?

      In the aftermath of this experience, we learned the difficulty of caring for so many dogs at once. As well as learning the importance of trying our best, we also learned that things that seemed impossible will definitely come true if we put our efforts into them. According to the interview, it is hard to take care of so many dogs, but they did their best and followed their passion; thus, PACK Taiwan, a large dog shelter in Taiwan, was formed. (by Jim)


     In Taiwan, the issue of stray dogs is a complex and multifaceted one. Those who view stray dogs as nuisances and threats to public safety, while those who see them as helpless creatures in need of protection and care, see them differently.

     Because of the traditional practice of releasing pet dogs on the streets when they become too expensive or difficult to care for, stray dogs are a common sight in Taiwan. It has resulted in a large population of stray dogs, many of whom are often seen scavenging for food or sleeping on sidewalks.

         However, many Taiwanese citizens are working to improve the situation for stray dogs. Many people are volunteering their time and resources to help care for these animals, and animal welfare organizations and animal shelters provide food, medical care, and shelter. Efforts are also being made to promote responsible pet ownership and raise public awareness about stray dogs. Sterilizing pets is an important part of this campaign, in addition to educating people about the importance of adopting pets from shelters rather than buying them from pet stores or breeders.

 Taiwan is still far from solving its stray dog problem, but there is growing awareness and concern about the plight of these animals. In hope that the situation will continue to improve as more people become involved in efforts to help stray dogs, and as more resources are devoted to this issue. (by Jim)