code_saturne ALE
code_saturne is an open-source CFD model primarily developed by EDF R&D, and relatively easy to use for new applications - it scales well to a large supercomputer, but many cases are simple enough to run in a few minutes on a laptop. The Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) module allows for a moving mesh, which can be used to solve for 3D non-hydrostatic transient flow.
For water wave propagation and wave-structure interaction, a number of input files for common benchmarks are available on GitLab :
To demonstrate the capabilities, a gallery of different code_saturne ALE test cases is below. (Note that the lists of test cases published / in the repository / animated are not currently identical; feel free to contact me for assistance with these test cases or to discuss collaborations.)
Solitary wave
Solution of Clamond and Dutykh (2013)
Bottom tilting wavemaker
Test case of Park and Harris (2018)
Wave run-up
Test case of Synolakis (1987)
Damped standing wave
Test case of Antuono and Colagrossi (2013)
Submerged bar
Test case of Beji and Battjes (1993)
Elliptical shoal
Test case of Berkhoff et al. (1982)
Vertical cylinder
Test case of Huseby and Grue (2000)
Heave plate oscillation
Test case of Moreno et al. (2016)
Moonpool resonance
Test case of Yang and Kwon (2013)
Surface wake
Test case of Metcalf et al. (2006)
Floating semisub foundation
Test geometry of Allen et al. (2020)
Tohoku tsunami
Initial condition from Fujii et al. (2011)
To get started with code_saturne, see:
Documentation :
After installation, for simple Cartesian meshes, only a single xml file is needed to describe a test case; for more complex meshes, many formats can be imported, such as those from Gmsh. Results can be easily visualized with any number of tools such as the open-source tool ParaView.
M. Ferrand and J. C. Harris. 2021. Finite volume Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian schemes using dual meshes for ocean wave applications. Computers and Fluids. 219: 104860, 16 pp. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2021.104860. <>