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Jeff Harris studied at the University of Washington, receiving a B.S. in Mathematics and a B.S. in Oceanography in 2003.  While there, he worked with different groups on small projects, including building a phase-locked loop, antenna design for a passive radar system, and analyzing ocean acoustics data.

He did his graduate studies at the University of Rhode Island, receiving an M.S. in Ocean Engineering in 2007, working on analyzing towing tank data for a high speed surface effect ship design, and comparing with wave resistance calculations from a numerical wave tank.  He later received a Ph.D. in 2011 for research focused on numerical models of wave-induced boundary layers, and went on to work as a postdoctoral researcher in the same lab, first looking at sediment transport processes, then investigating tsunami hazards for the east coast of the United States.

In the fall of 2012, he moved to Paris, France, and is now a researcher at the Saint-Venant Hydraulics Laboratory.  His work is primarily focused on optimizing a 3D numerical wave tank, in order to provide a tool for studying offshore wind turbines installations and other structures.  His research interests include ocean wave modeling, high performance computing, and machine learning.