
This game was inspired by Hunt the Wumpus.  

I've heard a couple versions of the origins of the Hunt the Wumpus game.  I first played the game on a mainframe at AT&T Bell Labs, where I was spending Wednesday evenings to learning programming.   I can't vouch for the WIkipedia page on the game, but it is accurate to what I know of it.  

My version is really nothing like the original other than I too have a cave and a creature called a wumpus.  You will find it diverges drastically from there.

Bringing my vision of the spelunking game to life was my coding retirement project, which I  used primarily to relearn coding after about 30 years of doing other things for a living.  You see, after writing my first Windows application 30 years ago, I dropped the hobby.  Thus there was bit of a gap in my knowledge of how to get things done in the 21st century!  But I managed to wrap user I/O around what is otherwise a very simple program.  Hoorah!