
Damp Proofing

Our expert damp proofing services shield your property from moisture, preventing structural damage and preserving the integrity of your walls.

Basement Conversions

Transform your basement into a functional living space with our professional conversion services, maximizing the potential of your home.

Basement Waterproofing

Ensure a dry and habitable basement environment with our advanced waterproofing solutions, protecting against water ingress and dampness.

Basement Tanking

Our basement tanking services provide robust protection, creating a secure barrier against water penetration and safeguarding your underground space.

Woodworm Treatment

Combat woodworm infestations effectively with our targeted treatments, preserving the structural integrity of timber in your property.

Cavity Wall Ties

Strengthen your property's structural stability with our cavity wall tie services, preventing the risk of wall tie failure and associated issues.


Mitigate condensation problems with our comprehensive solutions, enhancing indoor air quality and preventing potential damage caused by excess moisture.

Wet Rot Treatment

Address and eradicate wet rot issues promptly with our proven treatments, ensuring the longevity of your timber structures and preventing further decay.

Timber Preservation

Protect your property's timber components from decay and insect infestations with our timber preservation services, promoting longevity and structural integrity.