Photo by Kelsey Todd on Unsplash 

Tuesday August 6th

Coffee morning 

Fruit with Alan


Cost £4  Meet in the marquee on tea shop lawn

Thursday, August 15th

Visit to Friars Court Garden, Clanfield, Nr Bampton OX18 2SU

Friars Court is a  privately-owned garden with over 3-acres of beautiful formal and informal gardens lying within a moat surrounding a 17th century Cotswold stone manor house. 

The visit will include a private 45-minutes tour with the owner Charles Willmer followed by a cream tea with scones and cake.

Cost £13

Tickets to be booked in advance via Ticket Source

either online using the link

or by telephone on 0333 666 3366 

Directions: On A4095  Faringdon to Witney Rd 1/2 m S of Clanfield. 

Tuesday, September 3rd

Coffee Morning and Garden Tour


 Cost £4     Classrooms 1 and 2

Tuesday, October 1st

Coffee Morning and Garden Tour


 Cost £4     Waterperry House

Thursday, October 17th   

'Waterperry's Top 10 Autumn Trees'

Talk by Rob Jacobs and tour of the garden

10.30am       Details later

Classrooms 1 and 2

Photo by Elisha Terada on Unsplash 

                Tuesday, November 5th                     

Coffee Morning and Garden Tour


 Cost £4     Waterperry House

Tuesday December 2nd 

Christmas Coffee Morning

'Frankincense, Myrrh and the Incense Trail'

Talk by Professor Sandy Primrose.

Christmas raffle, prizes and refreshments.

Details later.

Waterperry House 

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash