Water Damage Restoration Irvine

Water Damage Restoration Irvine

14271 Jeffrey Rd, Irvine, CA 92620

1 844-888-3228

Water Damage Services

A major aspect of water damage restoration is carpet cleaning and decontamination of other forms of flooring after storms and flooding. Some areas of the USA are more susceptible to such conditions than others, but it is important that residents anywhere are aware of the inherent dangers involved with flooding of their homes. In fact, heavy storms can cause back-up of sewage into your home without flooding being involved.

Flooding leads to the potential contamination of your home and business premises with human and animal feces and other forms of bacterial contamination. This comes from backed-up drains and sewers, and also from animal droppings. Bacteria multiply rapidly in wet and damp conditions, and it is essential that this pollution is removed and your flooring and furnishings cleaned as soon as possible.

Carpets Must be Lifted

Your first act, once the water has been pumped away, is to lift all your contaminated carpets. Hang them on a rope outside and hose then down thoroughly with clean water. If your water service has not yet been restored, there is little you can do until it is. This is when you should call in a professional that specializes in water damage restoration or carpet cleaning services. In fact, it is wise to call them in immediately, rather than try it yourself.

If a carpet is immersed in flood water for 48 hours or more it will be more or less irrecoverable and will likely have to be destroyed. That is because the bacterial infection will be right into the fibers of the pile, and the level of sterilization required would ruin the carpet in any case. Before that you have a chance, as long as the carpet is not foam-backed. Then it would have to be disposed of in any case.

Floor and Carpet Cleaning Basics

A 10% bleach solution (1 part bleach 9 parts water) can be used to sterilize the carpet, but not if it is made from real wool or nylon. The bleach will discolor these fibers. Do this after hosing it down but before drying it. Or, as we recommended earlier, use a professional carpet cleaning service or a storm damage restoration specialist. That is a lot safer, particularly if you have young children in your household.

If you have tiled or hardwood flooring on a wooden base you will have to remove the tiles and hardwood layer. That will enable you to properly clean the base or subflooring. There is little point in cleaning tile and grout if the base underneath is contaminated with pollution. Even if it is concrete, it is still safest to remove the top to make sure the subfloor is properly decontaminated.

Emergency Kit and Contact Numbers

Many people keep an emergency kit handy, to be used in the event of flooding or a heavy storm. It pays to be prepared, because when everything is happening it's not easy to look for all the stuff you may need, such a torch, tools and even emergency drinking water. Along with their kit, many people also keep a note of important telephone numbers: emergency services, the local doctor, relatives and so on.

You could also add the telephone number of a water damage restoration firm or a carpet cleaning company to your list. Once the immediate panic is over, and things are beginning to settle down, you will only have another day or so to get your carpets up before they are ruined permanently. A professional company can get started immediately you phone them and perhaps save you a great deal of money in lost flooring.

Storm Damage Restoration Involves a Lot of Work

It will likely be some time before you are in a position to even start on your flooring - you may have a lot more than that to think about. Food for example, clean drinking water, temporary accommodation perhaps and 101 other things that have to be done in the immediate aftermath of a storm or a flood. That's when the presence of a professional to look after recovery can be a godsend.

If you live in an area susceptible to flooding, keep in mind that expensive items such as carpets and tile flooring can be ruined by bacterial pollution if not dealt with quickly. You will likely have a lot more to worry about than carpets, and by calling in the professionals immediately to take care of your floor and carpet cleaning, you will take some of the weight off your mind and another box ticked. Water damage restoration is a specialist job so get a specialist to do it!

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