Water Damage Restoration

1351 3rd Street Promenade

Santa Monica, CA 90401

(844) 888-3228

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It is very hard to answer this question with an exact figure as there are a number of factors that get took into account. This article aims to inform you of the factors and gain a better idea of the cost of repairing water damage.

What are the costs of water damage repair?

Before we start to look at the factors that go into calculating, it is important to know that different companies will give you different quotes. It is wise to shop around and find out who will give you the best quality service for the best quality price. Very often, if it is substantial damage and you want to make an insurance claim than your insurance company will contract the team that will clear up the damage.

The factors that are took into account are

- The level of the water that caused the damage. Obviously more water means more damage would have been caused. If the same company is removing the water for you, than they will charge on how many cubic meters they have to remove.

- The size of the affected area is also took into account. If your whole property has been affected than this will be more costly

- The extent of the damage. A proper assessment needs to be done of the property as damage may be invisible to the naked eye. Very often pipes need replacing or electrical wires are no longer working. In this case, the wall or floor has to be removed.

- How much furniture and furnishings can be saved? With extensive damage through water, it is not often that a majority of it can be saved.

- The type of water that caused the damage. If it was your local river that burst its banks, than the water will be dirty and the whole of your property will have to be disinfected. If it was clean water from the kitchen tap, this is easier to clean up.

- What are the redecoration costs? Do the walls have to be re-plastered and floors re-laid? Very often baseboard and doors have to be replaced after a lot of water damage.

The above are all factors that need to be taken into account when assessing how much the damage repair will cost? They are also a good argument as to why property owners should have household insurance.

It is advisable not to make small claims on your household insurance as this can increase your yearly payments. However if extensive damage has been caused, then the repair costs can run into thousands of dollars. Make sure your insurance policy is up to date and valid.

Water Damage Restoration 1351 3rd Street Promenade Santa Monica, CA 90401
Water Damage Restoration 1351 3rd Street Promenade Santa Monica, CA 90401
Water Damage Restoration 1351 3rd Street Promenade Santa Monica, CA 90401

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