

Okubo, Wataru and Hiroki Nomoto. forthcoming. A null stem analysis of Persian copular verbs. (accepted)


Okubo, Wataru. 2020. Contrastive Topic and directionality: A comparative analysis of CT markers in Persian. In Ömer Eren, Asimina Giannoula, Sam Gray, Chi-Dat Lam (Daniel) & Aurora Martinez Del Rio (ed.), Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 313–324. Chicago, IL. Chicago Linguistic Society. [CLS website, preprint (ResearchGate)]



Okubo, Wataru, Hiroki Nomoto and Shiori Nakamura. 2022. A comparison of speech act participant referring expressions in Malay and Japanese. The 25th International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics (ISMIL). 6–8 August. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/Online. [refereed, slides]

Okubo, Wataru. 2022. 「それも」構文の省略分析 [An ellipsis analysis of 'that too' construction]. The 164th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan (LSJ). 18–19 June. Online. [refereed, handout, slides]

Taniguchi, Ryuko, Wataru Okubo, Hiroki Nomoto and Yunjin Nam. 2022. 代名詞代用・呼びかけ表現の多言語データセット [A multilingual dataset of pronoun substitutes and address terms]. The 164th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan (LSJ). 18–19 June. Online. [refereed, handout, poster]


Nomoto, Hiroki, Wataru Okubo and Yuta Sakon. 2020. 日本語コーパスの談話構造アノテーションに向けた予備的研究 [A preliminary study for discourse structure annotation for Japanese corpora]. The 161st Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan (LSJ). 21–22 November. Online. [refereed, slides]

Okubo, Wataru. 2020. 追随的疑問における伴⽴: 「それも」の談話構造的分析 [Entailment in subsequent questions: A discourse-structural analysis of 'soremo']. The 160th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan (LSJ). 20–21 June. Waseda University. [refereed, handout]


Okubo, Wataru. 2019. 並列構文における主語句標識と文の意味解釈. In 高度文法情報付きコーパスとその日本語研究への応用 (Organizer: Kei Yoshimoto). Symposium at the 44th Meeting of the Kansai Linguistic Society (KLS).13–14 July. Kansai University. [slides]

Okubo, Wataru. 2019. Contrastive Topic and directionality: A comparative analysis of CT markers in Persian. The 55th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS). 16–18 May. The University of Chicago. [refereed, poster]

Okubo, Wataru. 2019. The Persian particles ke and ham as Contrastive Topic markers. The 2nd North American Conference in Iranian Linguistics (NACIL). 19–21 April. The University of Arizona. [refereed, handout]

Nomoto, Hiroki and Wataru Okubo. 2019. Persian copulas in focus constructions. The 2nd North American Conference in Iranian Linguistics (NACIL). 19–21 April. The University of Arizona. [refereed, slides]


Nomoto, Hiroki and Wataru Okubo. 2018. ペルシア語の焦点構文におけるコピュラの生起制限 [On the restricted distribution of copulas in Persian focus constructions]. The 157th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan (LSJ). 17–18 November. Kyoto University. [refereed, handout (LSJ website)]


Okubo, Wataru. 2017. Extracting complex expressions from a parsed corpus through post-processing techniques. Exploiting Parsed Corpora: Applications in Research, Pedagogy, and Processing. 9–10 December. NINJAL. [poster]

Non-conference presentations


Okubo, Wataru and Shiori Nakamura. 2022. 共通調査項目に基づく調査報告(その2) 日本語. 科研費(基盤B)「代名詞代用・呼びかけ表現の通言語学的研究」2022年度第7回研究会. 6 May. Online. [slides]


Okubo, Wataru. 2021. 日本語の代名詞代用・呼びかけ表現: 構成的な表現を中心に. 科研費(基盤B)「代名詞代用・呼びかけ表現の通言語学的研究」2021年度第4回研究会. 11 July. Online.


Okubo, Wataru. 2020. 日本語の代名詞代用・呼びかけ表現: 同一指標の視点から. 科研費(基盤B)「代名詞代用・呼びかけ表現の通言語学的研究」2020年度第3回研究会. 13 December. Online. [slides]

Okubo, Wataru. 2020. 統語・意味解析コーパスNPCMJにおける照応解析の現状と諸問題. 「統語・意味解析コーパスの開発と言語研究」オンライン研究発表会. 7 July. Online. [slides]

Okubo, Wataru. 2020. 文献紹介: 人称表現の通言語的研究に向けて. 科研費(基盤B)「代名詞代用・呼びかけ表現の通言語学的研究」2020年度第1回研究会. 6 June. Online.


Okubo, Wataru. 2019. 統語・意味解析コーパスNPCMJを用いた言語研究: 二重主語構文と並列構文の事例. Luncheon Linguistics. 23 October. Institute of Language Research, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. [handout]

Okubo, Wataru. 2019. 並列構文の意味解釈と主語句標識の選択. 「統語・意味解析コーパスの開発と言語研究」2019年度第2回研究発表会. 15 June. Ochanomizu University.

Okubo, Wataru. 2019. 重文の主語句標識の選択と節の関係性.統語・意味解析コーパスの開発と言語研究」2019年度第1回研究発表会. 12 May. Hirosaki University.

Okubo, Wataru. 2019. ペルシア語の対比的話題標識keham. Luncheon Linguistics. 8 May. Institute of Language Research, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.


Okubo, Wataru and Hiroki Nomoto. 2018. ペルシア語のゼロコピュラ: 焦点小辞構文の分析から. Luncheon Linguistics. 31 October. Institute of Language Research, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.


Okubo, Wataru. 2019. The focus particles ham and ke in Persian. M.A. thesis. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Okubo, Wataru. 2016. On the complexity of Complex Predicates in Hindi-Urdu. B.A. thesis. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.



Okubo, Wataru. 2020. Transitivity pairs in Persian. The World Atlas of Transitivity Pairs (2014). Tokyo: National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. (Available online at: [data]


Roberts, Craige. 2021. Danwa niokeru jouhoukouzou: Goyouron no tougoukeishikiriron o mezashite. Gogaku Kenkyuujo Ronshuu 25, 79-133. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. (Japanese translation of Information Structure: Towards an integrated formal theory of pragmatics by Craige Roberts, originally published in 2012. Co-translation with Hiroki Nomoto.) [paper]