Frequently Asked Questions

What are the goals?

Our goals are simple: to adequately honor our town, to provide a range of activities so everyone has multiple opportunities to participate, and to make the bicentennial a memorable experience for all Washingtonians. Some of you may have memories of the sesquicentennial celebration of 1975. The painted fire hydrants, the mural painted on the side of the WRC building, or maybe you still have a souvenir or the history book written at that time. We want the bicentennial to create those same type of memories for the next generation.

What is "Washington Rewind"?

The Washington Historical Society has already started researching a contemporary history of Washington, called Washington Rewind, that will hope to serve as a digital sequel to that book that was written for the sesquicentennial in 1975.

How much will this celebration cost the City of Washington?

The Bicentennial celebrations will be fully funded through private donations. The city will provide the usual services provided to other local celebrations, such as Good Neighbor Days

How can we become involved?

Moving forward there will be ample opportunities for businesses, organizations, residents, and the city itself to work with the committee in terms of sponsorship of activities.

Please contact us to volunteer:


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