What You Should Know About Wing Chun Dummies Training?

Have you heard of Wing Chun dummies training? If you are practising Wing Chun martial arts form, then you are already polishing your skills using wooden dummies. If you are a student, then the instructor will recommend using these dummies for practice sessions.

  • The dummies are made up of softwood

  • They help polish your Wing Chun moves for arms and legs

  • These are ideal options for you if you practice alone

You can collect more details related to different types of wooden dummies online from Warrior Martial Art Supply. Before you get started with your practice sessions, there are a few things you should know.

Solo practice device

Martial arts moves can only be polished by practice. Wing Chun instructions offered by expert trainers will always include implementing dummy practice sessions. The fact is that practising moves on human beings may not be easy.

Dummies may not offer self-defence techniques against your moves. So you can always focus on developing your techniques to strike and block.

Position of arms and legs

If you have a close look at the dummies, you may discover they have very unique arms and legs positions. You can search for Warrior martial art supply online for different types of dummies.

The position of the legs and arms will decide the type of techniques you may want to use and polish. You can check with professional instructors before making your choice.

Gain power

The dummies have been designed to help you gain energy and power. You may have to practice techniques that will help you use the power of your opponent to your benefit.

This is one of the reasons that these dummies have always been an important part of the Wing Chun training sessions. It is much easy to practice on a wooden dummy rather than a human target. Human targets will always defend.

Avoid conditioning your arms

If you are new to practising on the dummies then you will always want to strike the dummy with greater impact. Always keep in mind that the dummies are not there to help you condition your arms. As per Wing Chun instructions, you can use the dummies to practice not to build your strength.

So when practising on the wooden dummies always try and strike gently. You have to learn to coordinate with the moves and position of the dummy.

Avoid chasing dummy hands

When practising, you should avoid chasing the legs and hands of the dummies. You have to try and develop your skills of blocking. You can search for the best dummies at a nearby Warrior Martial Art Supply store or online.

The dummies can only be used to practice your defence and attack techniques. It certainly is not possible to knock the dummy away with a single strike. Do not try that or else you will end up damaging your arms and legs. When practising, it is ideal to focus on the moves of the dummy arms and legs.