A Simple Buying Guide for Wing Chun Wooden Dummy

Wing Chun type of martial arts uses wooden dummies as a tool to practice and master the art. Training in martial arts can be pretty intense; you have to repeatedly practice your moves to develop natural reflex when in a fight. In Wing Chun study of martial arts, wooden dummies play a vital role; they help in mastering perfect skill and techniques. But buying the right Wing Chun wooden dummy is difficult; this guide will help you in making the decision.

Different types of Wing Chun Wooden dummy

The three common types of wooden dummy available in the market are as follows:

1. Traditional wooden dummy: this type of dummy is made of hardwood. Usually, the entire set of the Wing Chun dummy is made of the same material for stability and durability. These dummies need space to store and practice as they are heavy and big.

2. A wall mount dummy: a smaller version of the traditional wooden dummy. This category of the dummy is made of hardwood, durable and portable enough to fit into small space.

3. Recoil wooden dummy: a hybrid between traditional and modern technology is a recoil stand wooden dummy. The best part of this type is that it absorbs the kinetic energy and pushes it back against strike recreating a real-life like a fight.

Factors to consider while buying a wooden dummy

1. Budget: it is undeniable fact that learning martial arts of any kind is better for personality development. But this doesn’t mean we have to overspend, all three types of wooden dummies are available at a reasonable price. The quality and the workmanship that goes into making a wooden dummy are worth paying the price. Good research and through knowledge in wooden dummies will be useful in buying a dummy within the budget.

2. Type of mount: the next factor you need to consider while buying a wooden dummy is the type of mount. The commonly available mounts are freestanding, wall mount and frame mount. Frame mount wooden dummy is traditional and stable type, whereas wall mount is a smaller version of this that takes limited space. However, moving and getting a wooden dummy wall mounted is not an easy task. The designer to solve today’s issue with space created free-standing dummies. This type of dummy is not as stable as a traditional one.

3. Material: wooden dummies are usually made of wood preferable hardwood for durability. However, these days we see people diverting from this traditional approach and make wooden dummies from softwood material like pine, which is reasonable in price.

4. Size: when you buy a wooden dummy the most important factor to consider is the size. You need to have enough space for you and your wooden dummy to practice. These days wooden dummy for kids are being made by manufacturers in the USA.

You can read more about the Wing Chun Dummy here.