Join the Orchestra

If you love playing in an orchestral group and you want to meet more like-minded people; that’s what we are about and we need YOU! 

We rehearse once a fortnight in The Minster Church of St Denys from 7.30-9.30pm every other Tuesday.

There are no auditions. Just come along to a rehearsal. As a guide, we try to choose music that is suitable for players of approximately Grade 5 upwards. This can vary between instruments, so please get in touch if you are unsure whether to come along for the first time. 

We have many players who have joined the orchestra having recently started playing their instrument again after a long break.

Look at our Past Concerts page to get an idea of the wide range of material that we cover.

 Players of all orchestral instruments are welcome, but we are particularly keen to meet players of string instruments.

Contact us for further information.