COVID-19 guidance

Before rehearsal 

Do not come to rehearsal if :

We encourage you to use lateral flow tests regularly (ideally the day of rehearsal if you can).

We encourage all members to be vaccinated.

Please consider how you can minimise your risk of contracting COVID when travelling to and from rehearsals 

During rehearsal 

Use face coverings when not seated.

Maintain social distancing at all times so far as practicable.

No physical contact (e.g. greetings).

Please respect each other's space.

Do not share music and therefore bring your own music stand/pencil etc.

Bring and use your own hand sanitiser.

Use hand sanitiser, soap, surface wipes and paper towels provided and dispose of wipes and towels in the bin bag  

If you become unwell at rehearsal:

Please bring your own refreshments (tea in a flask/water bottle)

After rehearsal

If you become unwell within 5 days of rehearsal: