Yes, I have. I'll be posting the results in an article soon. 

I still prefer portraiture, but for those getting started they may find some of the other things that Portrait Professional can do to be a welcome addition to their workflow. 

A good analogy is that Portrait Professional is much like P mode on the camera - it helps to do a lot of things automatically, which is great when you get started. Once you know what you are doing you rarely go there and find other modes like Aperture Priority to be superior. Portraiture is part of a more advanced workflow like Aperture Priority on our cameras.


I just use Imagenomic Portraiture.. it's relly wonderfull..

But i have a question: after using the imagenomic on any picture, scales are seen on them how can i remove this lines..

thanks a lot

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Hi Guys, I am so frustrated. I have contacted imagentic portraiture several times..but they keep just giving me the same generic answer that Im not copying the code right. Seriously. ?? I have called adobe, apple, Ive unstalled reinstalled everything updated everything... I'm just stuck .been dealing with this for a couple of weeks. I bought portraiture for both photoshop and lightroom. It works perfectly fine on my lap top. but when i try to install the license key to register on my i mac it keeps giving me the error. wrong key code or expired. Which it is not. It is the correct code.

Plastered human skulls were reconstructed human skulls that were made in the ancient Levant between 9000 and 6000 BC in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period. They represent some of the oldest forms of art in the Middle East and demonstrate that the prehistoric population took great care in burying their ancestors below their homes. The skulls denote some of the earliest sculptural examples of portraiture in the history of art.[3]

Since the dawn of photography, people have made portraits. The popularity of the daguerreotype in the middle of the 19th century was due in large part to the demand for inexpensive portraiture. Studios sprang up in cities around the world, some cranking out more than 500 plates a day. The style of these early works reflected the technical challenges associated with 30-second exposure times and the painterly aesthetic of the time. Subjects were generally seated against plain backgrounds and lit with the soft light of an overhead window and whatever else could be reflected with mirrors. be457b7860

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