My girlfriend has been putting in some hard work and now wants her own amp. She's very much into interior design and thinks tweed amps would look good in the living room. Champs are obviously very pricey, so I was thinking about a used Fender Bronco. The Pro Jrs are too much juice for a our living room so I don't think that would be a great option.

I really fancied one of those I saw on ebay, but I didn't bid cause it went up over GBP50, IIRC, which seemed expensive for a little SS? I loved it for the look, though..... I'm a sucker for Tweed. I've seriously considered building my own tweed-covered box with that sort of visual vibe, but a Vox Tonelab built into it....

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I love those little amps. The tweed Bronco is probably the best little solid state practice amp that Fender has ever produced. They tend to sell on eBay for about $100 US. You should try running it through a 4x12 or 4x10 cabinet. Seriously. It sounds surprisingly good.

Also darkened the tweed with some Minwax Honey Pine poly. Did a very careful job of brushing it on and it turned out very well. Not golden enough, but looks better than bare tweed. Might try a spray can of nitro lacquer from Reranch on it eventually.

Next mod is going to be to cut an oval hole in the back panel and cover it with grill fabric - like the lower back panel of a tweed Bassman. These amps really open up when air can move around better in back of the speaker.

Fender has recently released an amplifier bearing the name "Bronco" but it has little resemblance to the original version beyond using a 10-inch-diameter (250 mm) speaker. The new Bronco is a completely solid state amplifier using integrated circuits to control both the preamp section as well as power amp section of the amplifier. Solid state diodes are used to rectify the input AC mains electricity going into the amp to DC. Current production Fender Bronco amplifiers use no tubes and are housed in a tweed style cabinet constructed of medium density fiberboard and covered in a diagonal tweed fabric similar in appearance to amplifiers produced by Fender in the late 1950s. New production Broncos have the controls mounted on the top-rear of the amplifier unlike the original 'Silverface' Bronco.

typical dufuss that really hasnt a clue about anything write a review and completely gets it wrong....i have this amp and its a beauty...lovely sparkly fender tones, and gritty overdrive to some fierce sounding distortion....its not 38watts (thats the power consumption) its a 15 watter.

Hi. Loving reading through your site in the last couple of days. 

I have to disagree somewhat with your review of these Bronco amps. I have had one for a few years and it's my main house amp (I have around 7 amps - tube and solid state of different sizes, inc two other Fenders), as you can just plug in and play and don't need any overdrive pedals, so also portable.

Of course, if you use tube amps almost exclusively, you are going to miss the dynamics that solid state amps can't provide. I will also admit that the stock speaker is harsh. I put a 8" Jensen alnico speaker in mine(P8R i think it was)which sweetens the clean tone like you wouldn't believe. It also gives the gain a softer honeytone tweed character that also has a sweet grind with a little gain. I think that the original speaker is more punchy tho and handles higher gain settings better. The only other bad point is that these amps are very trebley and you have to keep it very low at 1 or 2. Its also best to avoid the clean channel for this reason, and use the gain channel with the gain on zero if you want the best clean tone.

The Bronco also has an ext speaker out at the back. I've hooked it up to a 12" cab and compared volume with a couple of 50w solid state amps i have and it was LOUDER! It also has a really powerful cruchy tone and great sustain. 

Another great thing is that the tone you hear from the headphone socket is more similar to the jensen replacement speaker i put in than the original!

I think it's also a little unfair to compare it to the Blues Jr, as that amp is way more expensive (450/$600 in the UK)and has a full 12" speaker. Also, that amp has darker El84 tubes and doesn't really have that classic fender (6v6 or 6l6 tube) chimey tone. So i'd say the Bronco has more of a classic 'fender' tone. 

I usually use a little room reverb or echo when playing my other amps, but for some reason the Bronco just sounds great without it. Maybe it's the aesthetic vintage qulaity or something but somehow i feel a more intamate connection with this amp and it's tone. It must be love ...

Of course all this is subjective and relative to what you want to use the amp for. In my opinion, if you want a great little house amp that sounds like a fender and is great for low volume tweed tones and recording, get a Bronco and put a Jensen or other quality alnico speaker in it. (Just as a final note, for the Jensen alnico to fit i needed to file a few mm of the edge of the chasis, but there was no circuits at that spot.

I don't want to clog your blog with a long piece but i just had to stick up for this great little amp!


Hi, I have a bronco at home with my couch, I love this amp, fender tweed tone and touch in 3 seconds, no spending tubes, I have a Pro Junior and is very good, but you have to hit it with tubes you put, not all tubes sound the same, and suffer with the punches, and the valves become old and you have to buy new, I have a blues junior I use small gigs in clubs, sounds good, is lightweight and does the job, has reverb ... but I love the bronco amp, if I had a 60w transistor bronco with two 12 "that would be the amp that would lead to playing the clubs.

I recently bought a guitar on Kijiji and the seller threw in a blonde tolex Fender Bronco to sweeten the deal. I tried it at the point of sale just to verify the guitar actually worked and it seemed OK. I played through it at home and noticed a few of its weaknesses. The most offensive was the blonde tolex. It just looked cheap ... like a toy. I did some research and decided to give it a face lift. I carefully removed all of the blonde tolex and bought a some tweed fabric locally for about 4 Canadian dollars. I traced the pattern of the tolex pieces that I removed onto the tweed and cut it out. I prepped the bare wood cabinet and used spray adhesive to apply it to the cabinet. I cut the back panel in half to give it a open back look. I covered the back panel in a rich dark brown leatherette vinyl. I really like that contrast of the vinyl and the tweed, its classy. 

I replaced the speaker with a new American made Riftone C8R Vintage

tone speaker. Now my little Fender Bronco has looks and sounds awesome.


He is right . Tube amps hold their resell value. People will not pay much for used guitar trans amps. I remember brand new line 6 spiders for $80.00 at a pawn shop. I think Fender and Marshall

quit trying to make top quality guitar transistor amps. The amps are good they just put them in particle board cases to bring the price down. Most are particle board but not all. This trans

tweed 15watt bronco is well thought of by a lot of guitar players. It gets some good reviews 

considering it's a trans amp. Maybe you're not a tweed person. Maybe you're a blackface player.

I bought my tweed bronco new in early nineties, it's my main practice amp, also have a B Jr. And hot rod deluxe, but my little tweed gets most my time as I don't gig anymore, anyhow, I like to mod things,and this little SS needed something,, so I replaced back panel with an open back I made, and shoehorned a no name 10" in it,, whoa, what a difference almost hast too much bass, and is louder than you'd think, my wife hates it :) , she thought because it was small, it would be quiet,,hahaha, jokes on her. All said, I really enjoy this little powerhouse, it rocks hard!

I had a bronco in my possession while I was checking it out for a friend. Just giving it a good clean and checking the circuitry. 

While going thru it I plugged it into my 2/12 50watt cab and it came to life. It has bucket loads of tone and despite its lack of reverb sounded amazing. I was sad when my friend took it home and have been looking for one of my own since. 

 If you can find one, grab it, plug it into a big cabinet and let it rip. I think there pretty amazing in a small package,just put a big speaker in front of it and really see what it can do

Hello there,

I picked up this made in USA Bronco Amp along with a 1990 MIM Stratocaster from a fellow that purchased both new

and really never ever played them. They ended up in a closet and 25 years later he sold them and I bought them.

Really minty. A Tele player I wanted to try a Strat, this was a bonus.

I only had a 10 inch Fender Champion 110 amp before. Then I also purchased a Hot Rod Deluxe III

 The Little Bronco Amp is quite handsome cheap tweed or not, I dig it. As far as the sound it is a Practice Amp

that does have a few shortcomings particularly compared to larger more full featured and expensive Amp's... however as with the Champion 110 ( which I really like) there are a few "Sweet Spots" on the Bronco. 

 I came upon this web locale searching for the part number I pulled off of the speaker as I figured I would give replacing the stock ("Fender Special" PN 025421 ) with something else....A Jensen C8R or a Warehouse G8C perhaps. On these comments and in the owners manual I saw the suggestion to connect to an external cabinet... the owners manual suggests a 4x12..... that's not bad. So right now with the Covid thing and the universe trying to come out of it the two speakers I mentioned on "backorder".....So I think I'll go looking for a cabinet. not 4x12's but......also am considering a Blues Jr. or a Pro Jr. as a practice amp for the den where the Champion 110 has established itself. Choices, possibilities.

 I do not disagree with any of the comments or even particularly the review. I have found that somewhere in all the knobs and switches of the guitars and the amps that there is a tone slot(s) on any and all of them to fall into and play. Some days I can not find it but it but there is always tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow....... be457b7860

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