That said, is there a functional coop campaign, even with mods?

I've found maps that you can download and play together on, but we haven't been able to actually save our progress or functionally proceed. anyone have any luck?

First you said you wanted co-op, so I linked you to the co-op campaign. Then you said you want 2v2 and 4v4 co-op? and now your asking for 4 people co-op? seems like you just cant be satisfied, cause there already exists a 3player version of the co-op campaign

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Remember this is more like a remastering with small improvements to the classic campaign, and I would be very surprised if Blizz went all out on a new co-op campaign (which they already said was not something they were looking into currently) so at least we have the ability to make custom maps, thats one of the reasons wc3 is so great! and the co-op campaign from hiveworkshop is actually a lot of fun if your into co-op, have you even tried it?

Is it not possible for me to just create a Rokhan unit for Player 2 (blue), place a starting location next to the Player 1 (red) starting position, and copy and paste every Player 1 trigger then edit it for Player 2 in WorldEdit? Or would the demo campaign (with Rexxar) still not work on LAN or Battlenet?

The online team-battling game Dota 2 has long differentiated itself from other "MOBA" games by charging zero money for its core gameplay, including all of its playable characters. That changes later this month, as developer Valve Software has announced the game's first-ever campaign mode on Thursday. It will cost a minimum of $10 to access.

The first half of this campaign, titled Siltbreaker, will launch by month's end to anybody who pays for the game's annual International Battle Pass. Most major Dota 2 tournaments have a Battle Pass promotion attached, which allows players to spend real-life cash to virtually participate with those upcoming real-life tourneys, and the same goes for this August's TI7 (The International 7) event in Seattle.

Since the preview images all feature different heroes, it's possible that Valve will open the campaign content up to all Dota 2 heroes as opposed to a limited selection a la Overwatch's timed PvE events. (Since you don't have to pay to unlock individual heroes, this paid mode may prove a fun and reasonably priced way for Dota 2 and MOBA genre newbies to see what's cooking.) Valve's announcement does not indicate whether half of Siltbreaker will be accessible for a limited time only or whether the mode will be available for purchase once this year's International Battle Pass stops being sold.

I made the mistake buying Hellgate: London, only to find out the servers for COOP were closed back in 2009. I dont wanna do the same mistake again, so I'll ask - does this game support COOP campaign? Im planning on buying it on Steam which includes 2 expansions (Mask of the Betrayer and Storm of Zehir, is there any more expansions?)

Im confused. Everywhere I read, I read about COOP being supported. Both me and my cousin bought the game and we wanna play the campaign through together. Are you telling me this is not possible? If there is only multiplayer, isn't it then just about hosting a private game and play it through?

I play mostly skirmish and mostly in SP, but will always try an RTS campaign. I almost always regret it, too. I can count on one hand the number of story based RTS campaigns that I can look back on with fondness.

Have you tried the Homeworld games? In Homeworld 1, the way to get the best units was to steal them from the enemy, and you kept units through the entire campaign. I loved the fact that I was able to keep a batch of Ion Cannons I stole early on all the way through to the end, where they were a big help.

* No coop-dialogs anymore where you can "roll dices" to decide which player can choose the next dialog option in your group. Instead all dialogs are only focused on the campaign "owner". This was in my eyes one of the best parts of Swtor in the past, the dynamics that were created by different opinions within the group of players, which sometimes led to "complicated" situations in group dialogs if someone decided to go the total opposite way then the rest of the group .

* The campaign progress is only stored for the campaign "owner". Why is this so? I'd like to play through the whole campaign coop with my wife and friends. Instead we have to replay the campaign for each of us seperately (which leads to the point were one of us basically has to re-watch the same story).

Which brings me to the next questions. Beyond chapter 3, are there any classical planets with quest hubs, side and main quests that you can play coop with your friends? Or does it always stay the same single-player focused experience?

In short. Is the fallen empire content at all at any point really playable coop with other players? Or is it single-player content only were you can invite other players, but only the main player keeps the progress?

.. even weirder I see no test or preview article mentioning this (not even any forum post here so far), apparently everyone only plays on his own.. which is weird in an MMO or at least coop-centric game.

why didn't they design the campaign to be playable in group, perhaps simply because they didn't know how to manage multiple contradictory choice. I have seen in many instance the results 'XXX will remember that' so that your choice may carry over future conversation. Which would make difficult if contradictory choice are made.

And that aspect is now completely lost with the expansion. Hm, but seems the majority doesn't care, which is fine of course. I'm just confused that everybody plays a at least coop-style game and no one is wondering why content just became single player centric only.

Exactly my thoughts. Thank you! :-) I / we enjoyed the story content with friends and family and now this oppertunity is gone as its single player centric only. Instead they should have delivered story content which is (optionally) setup to be played coop in a group.

my beta version of the complete zerg campaign should be availalbe within a few hours of you recieving this message, look for it!,

i'm calling it the beta version of the full thing though due to the fact that I have no idea that it all works correctly sense no ones willing to join my hamachi network and test it with me

and so I leave it up to you, the fans

PS. This doesn't mean I quite, I was referring to the fact that I leave the testing of the campaigns up to you and that you should still look for future releases of the other campaigns from me has well :)

Thanks for posting im so happy i can play starcraft with a friend ... Thanks alot bro... Thumbs up ^^ ... i only hope there will be protoss and zerg coop also... Dude my Last final words are : THANK YOU ^^ =P

As the release of Modern Warfare 3 draws near, many players wonder if they can team up with a friend to play through the game's story together. Let's take a look at whether or not Modern Warfare 3 offers a co-op feature for its campaign.

The simple answer is that the campaign in Modern Warfare 3 is strictly a single-player experience. This has been the case with previous Modern Warfare games as well. In Modern Warfare 3, you'll pick up the story from where it left off in Modern Warfare 2.

You'll encounter familiar characters like Captain Price, Ghost, Soap, Makarov, Gaz, and Alejandro along the way. However, it's important to understand that Modern Warfare 3's campaign is not like role-playing games, where you can choose how your character behaves.

This approach doesn't leave much room for a co-op mode in the campaign. But don't worry, if you're looking for co-op experiences in Call of Duty, previous games have featured modes like Spec Ops and raids. We'll have to wait and see if Modern Warfare 3 will include these modes. For now, when it comes to the campaign, it's a solo adventure all the way.

Underneath the campaign envelopes are the GameTrayz for the tokens. Note that there are two of them: one for each side of the table! This makes it really easy to unbox the game: just pull out the trayz!

The little cardboard holder holds all the cards of the game. Be careful not to necessarily unpack all your cards right away! The order of these cards is very important: these cards will guide your campaign and need to come out in a very specific order!

Every time you play through the campaign, you can earn some new in-game Artifacts for use in the campaign during the Battle Pass season. These Artifacts are stuffed with brand new items for the strategy game, and equipping them will bolster your powers in future runs.

Ooooh! The first part of Dota 2 [official site] co-op campaign, Siltbreaker, has arrived! Act 1: The Sands of Fate is the game's first co-op multiplayer campaign (unless you count crowding round a screen with a friend to take turns playing Warcraft 3 or something).

I've given the campaign a quick go and it reminds me of a cross between the Dota 2 tutorial where you're wandering around the forest, and some of the limited time event modes. There's an element of balancing what you spend on bolstering health and mana against what you need to budget for picking up stat-boosting items and utility for later wave defence bits. The section I played involved a LOT of punching wolves in forests. I will say that I found it peculiarly difficult to target critters with Witch Doctor so I'm interested to see if other people run into that or whether I'm just really rusty!

I like isometric RPGs a lot, and I like playing them alone, but I think the experience can work with a friend. I don't think it would work with a pubbie/stranger at all though. PoE is a style of game that requires good communication and cooperation if you were going to have a good time with co-op. If you just had a rando drop in and start playing above or below your skill level, or merely with a different playstyle, that would suck and it would be pointless.

Even friends can be jerks at times especially when they decide do things there way or for laughs go on murderous rampage. I don't like idea of spending money on MP at the cost of SP. I have seen so many games where they opted to go for MP and everyone complained about SP campaign been short boring feeling like it was dulled down due to MP. 2351a5e196

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