9. IMPORTANT: When windows installation asks you to choose an HDD where Windows will be installed, choose Load driver, Browse, choose FDD B/storage/2003R2/AMD64 or x86, (AMD or x86 depends which version of windows you are installing 64 or 32 bit), click next and you will see HDD RedHat VIRTIO SCSI HDD now.

Hey all. Not sure where to post this. I'm setting up a lab and it involves a PC node, in which I have a windows 10 image. I got it up and running but it is ridiculously slow. No settings tweaks that I have done have sped things up. I have so far allocated two CPU's along with 8 GB of RAM and it crawls. For example, I did a simple 'ipconfig' in the command terminal and the output was as if someone was typing it out manually, letter by letter.

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Recently switched from ESXi to Proxmox. It's running on an IBM x3550 m3. I also installed eve-ng which i also had when i had ESXi running. Previously windows and linux vms were running ok but not so much on the proxmox. Nothing happens when i right-click and select start. It looks like a setting i might have missed. I was wondering if anyone can help.

Hello, I want to run dualboot on my pc with windows 10 and eve-ng , so I get the benefit of running eve-ng on baremetal, I don't want to use a hypervisor on bsremetal and run them both as vms, just a dual boot windows and eve-ng, I have searched online alot but I can't find any guide, can anyone help me please

This Windows 7 image is a converted image for eve-ng. You just have to download the Windows 7 image for eve-ng and upload it to the eve-ng win7 folder. After that just fix the permission and you are ready to go.

Hi all, I need help please. I want to use windows pc on Eve-ng, after followed the whole process seen on many YouTube videos and also on eve-ng, the console doesn't pop-up the putty console. The routers, switches and others devices open on the putty console but the windows pc not. Any clue please

False for me, a look around suggest to use SCVMM in order to convert vmx to use the poor HYPER V, the problem is still here cause of defender. my Host OS windows 11 family, maybe vmware could do an update of VMWARE WORK PRO 16.2.4 ?


i have a question

in eve scenario devices can communicate with outside environment?

for example we have tow vm on hyper_v

on one of them eve-ng and on the other windows server 2016

in eve-ng scenario we have router

can we see the router from windows server?(do they have ping each other?)

with respect

I have a eve-ng laptop that i'm planning to use for practice. I have installed the KVM file and activated it as well as added it to the eve-ng lab. However, when i start the device. I get the error message "No bootable Device". This device is currently configured to use PA8.0.5 in the EVE-NG environment.

I'm using eve-ng a tool to emulate networking equipment. But I would like to put the Secure CRT as the Default terminal to open the application.

On the site itself there is a tutorial asking to insert the following line ( echo 'PATH="$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.profile). already able to perform in ubuntu but in Arch linux

I don't have the .profile file, I created it but without success. I would like to know if there is any way to accomplish this.

Thanks for the blog, I really appreciated your effort. I have managed to built my eve-ng lab. I have issue with accessing the nodes like windows or windows server that I have no access to view these nodes. how can I rdp or just view the windows to make further configuration into the server. could you please help to solve this issue. Thanks


Does anyone have any tips on eve-ng in Azure AND using the eve-ng Cloud0 network to access external servers from within the eve-ng lab?

Suspect there is an Azure network config setting that we have missed.

We have worked this out. The standard approach to use the Cloud0 network and bridge does not work with Azure.

What does work for our use-case is to setup the eve-ng host machine with a 2nd IP address on the pnet0 interface and setup routing through the eve-ng host.

Once that is setup, the eve-ng nic (in Azure) needs to be set to routing and Azure a route resource setup and applied to our vnet.

The client pack that comes with EVE-NG allows us to choose which application is used when you telnet or SSH to the device (either PuTTY or SecureCRT) and set up Wireshark for remote packet captures between links. Also, it facilitates work on RDP- and VNC-based images. First, you need to download the client pack to your PC from -ng.net/index.php/downloads/windows-client-side-pack, then extract the file to C:\Program Files\EVE-NG:

I am installing eve-ng with google cloud, I am using an ubuntu 16.04 pro server machine and a n1-standard-8 machine, before creating the virtual machine, I activate with the command "--enable-nested-virtualization", everything goes well until inside the ssh connection to the VM, I install the eve-ng and send a reboot, after which the ssh connection browser window no longer opens: 2351a5e196

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