Village Church and Chapel

Benefice Team:

Secretary – Sarah Rudkin –

Reader – Paul Stothard –

Wappenham Church Council:

Church Wardens: 

Edwin King (01295 760507)

Sheena Warren (01327 860230)

Secretary: Jane Mordue

Treasurer: Philip Thompson

Tower Captain: Philip Thompson –

Deanery Synod Rep: Jane Mordue

Electoral Roll: Phyllis King

Members: Michael Bath, Barbara Gundle, Peter Oliver, Angus Wade, Sheena Warren, Di Watts.

Wappenham Church

Our Parish Church started life back in the 12th century looking very different to the distinctive looking building on the hill you see today, thanks to a complete re-model in the 19th century.

While these renovations are not on the list of Villager George Gilbert Scott’s work, he must have had considerable input as two of his most favoured craftsmen, who worked with him on the Oxford Martyrs Memorial, were engaged to do the works here.

Visitors, who will find out church open and welcoming, can discover a clearly Scott inspired Arts and Crafts altar as well as other Scott inspired renovations, along with two dedicated 21st century works of religious art by local artist Phyllis King.

Wappenham Parish is part of the Astwell Benefice.  The Benefice also includes: Helmdon with Stuchbury and Radstone; Syresham with Whitfield and Lois Weedon with Weston and Plumpton.

Details of Wappenham services are put out on Wiz and displayed on the noticeboard in the churchyard.


This organisation raises funds for the upkeep of the fabric of the church.  It is open to all, regardless of religious affiliation, who want to help preserve and improve the church building.

Jane Mordue (Chair), Anthony Tucker (Secretary), Alastair Judge (Treasurer), Howard Mordue, Di Watts (Reg Charity 1116889)

The church is opened every day for visitors, please take time to drop in and look around our beautiful church, or to just sit in quite contemplation. Whatever your reason for visiting, you will be very welcome.

Slapton and Wappenham Independent Evangelical Church

Wappenham Chapel – Welcomes New Visitors and families

Our Chapel is an Independent Evangelical Church. Wappenham Chapel was originally a Methodist Church, but together with its ‘twin’ Chapel at nearby Slapton (through 1994-96) became completely independent, and was constituted as the ‘Slapton & Wappenham Independent Evangelical Church’.

Each Sunday our service in the morning is held here Wappenham Chapel at 10:45am and at Slapton Chapel in the evening at 6:00pm. We have a prayer meeting at 5:30pm before every evening service. We continue to be privileged to have gifted pastors and preachers who share the Gospel truth with us from all over the country. The regular congregation and members are a very warm and welcoming group of Christian people. Our regularly chapel family attend both our morning and evening services, and some travel miles to come right here to Wappenham. Our only purpose is to share the truth of the Bible and to see others come to a saving faith through Jesus Christ – the true purpose of the church family. “We are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto Salvation to everyone that believes”.

We also have a regular Bible study each Tuesday evening at 7:30pm in Wappenham Chapel school room and all are welcome to hear and learn with us how the Bible is just so relevant today.

Really everyone is welcome to come and join us for any of our weekly services and meetings.

Sunday school

The Sunday school meets every Sunday morning, the children come into the chapel for the first hymn, hear the reading from the bible, then participate in a short children’s address and after the second hymn go into their own activities. We welcome all children who are ideally from 5 to 11 years old. They all share in a reading, a short prayer and various learning activities. The children who do come say how much they really enjoy themselves. Please do encourage your children to come, again they will be most welcome and will have a great time and make some wonderful friends.

Fellowship Meals

We organise fellowship meals, one for the ladies and one for the gents. These are planned quarterly. The info will be posted on Wiz and our usual email. The food is very good and those who come along really enjoyed the conversation and the opportunity to make new friends or get to know other from the village you have not meet. The meals are open to all and are a really good social evening. We run them as separate men’s and ladies so those with children are able to come without needing to find sitters.

Pastoral Support

If anyone has any need of special prayer or questions on the Bible and the Christian Faith please do not hesitate to ask us.

Join us at St Mary's Church for an invigorating evening of bell ringing! Our beautiful village tradition of bell ringing is set to continue every three weeks starting from Wednesday 12th July, and we warmly invite all villagers to be part of this unique experience. 

No prior knowledge of bell ringing? No problem! We are excited to announce that we now have friendly and dedicated members of our community who are eager to pass on their knowledge and teach the fascinating art of bell ringing. 

Practice sessions run from 7:30 to 9:00 pm - feel free to drop by at any point to observe, learn, and eventually join in the ringing! This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow villagers, learn a new skill, and contribute to the resonating melody that sweeps across our picturesque village. 

Come, make a joyful noise with us at St Mary's!