• This tutorial is designed to help you get familiar with iChamber (my IGOR-based 0-D box model), also to cover a few fundamental topics of atmospheric chemistry.

    • This tutorial works better on big screens (desktop, laptop, maybe tablet too).

    • This 0-D box model has been tested using IGOR Pro on WINDOWS.

    • I blah a lot. But each chapter takes about 15-20min. If you don't have time for all these, I strongly suggest you go thru Chapter 1(a), 1(b) and 2 at least.

    • Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions or there's other topics you would like me to cover! Hope you find it interesting!


Chapter 1(a). Get started! Simple nighttime NOx chemistry

Chapter 1(b). Spice things up! Still nighttime NOx chemistry

Chapter 2. Let there be light! VOC-NOx photochemistry

Chapter 3. Chamber experiments

Chapter 4. Spherical chicken in vacuum: when pollution meets forest air

Chapter 5. N2O5-ClNO2: heterogeneous chesmitry & Cl oxidation

Chapter 6. Ozone isopleth: EKMA plot

(NEW) Chapter 7. Simple sulfur chemistry: phase-transfer & aqueous chemistry

A few final notes

Every model has it's own learning curve, and so is mine. But I hope all the efforts I have put into this thing over the past years made the curve less steep (the first successful attempt of this model was in 2011-2012). If you work regularly with MCM, it should take no more than a few minutes to load the mechanism and set up the model! If you work with other mechanisms, you probably have to figure out a way to load the mechanism into the model, and if you have questions please feel free to contact me.

*** NEW: a Python-based model is currently under development! The python-based model is ~10x faster than the Igor-based model because I'm supplying the Jacobian matrix. It also works on supercomputers. If you're interested, shoot me an email! ***