Donate Today!

We can’t pull this off without your help today!

This Community Service Project is a new and significant effort for Region 4. We hope you will join your fellow Airstreamers and choose to support, financially, this project today. There are three methods available for you to make a tax-deductible gift to this project.

A very generous donation has been made that will make reaching our goal much more possible. A reader of our WBCCI Blue Beret article provided us with the ultimate Christmas gift, an Airstream! Please read the sidebar about the “Citadel.”

Below you will find a menu of our needs and goals. Perhaps your WBCCI local club would like to adopt one of the items? Does this project inspire you? Maybe you can solicit your fellow club members to donate to a specific item! Contact your neighboring local club and make an item a joint effort or create a challenge. If we could get an average of about $15 per person, we would meet our goal. We, of course, welcome any donation, large or small!

Visit Santa’s Secure Website:

Please email your name to me for tracking purposes.

Use our Secure “GoFundMe” found at:

Mail a check to:

Santa’s Hideaway Hollow

15400 Bundysburg

Middlefield, OH 44062

Please indicate "Airstream" in memo field.

An Important Note: To insure financial security, all methods of donation are routed directly to Santa’s Hide-A-Way-Hollow.

Have you always wanted to be a VIP?!

How about picking out one of those items on our menu and giving me a call? We’ll name it after you if you want! (Of course we can keep it private also.)