World History Homepage

Welcome to the World History Homepage

This course covers the six periods of World History, with a key focus on the mid 15th century to the present. Students taking this course will study major turning points that shaped the modern world. By the end of this course students will have developed relevant enduring understandings of current world issues and relate them to their historical, political, economic, geographical and cultural contexts. As students examine the historical roots of significant events, ideas, movements, and phenomena, they encounter the contributions and patterns of civilizations of the past and societies around the world. Students will have broaden their historical perspectives as they explore ways societies have dealt with continuity and change, exemplified by concepts such as civilization, revolution, government, economics, war, stability, movement, technology, etc.

This course description was taken right from the NC Social Studies standards, so as you can see there is a lot to cover in the short time a student is inside my classroom. To combat this issue, technology and student-led instruction are both prominent parts of the course. Beyond this, students will complete several projects that are embedded in content and historical thinking skills. To also help with this, this homepage and sub-pages attached to it, contain review material, the course calendar, and course notes.

To go into more depth, below you will find the course syllabus.